Love her or Loathe her, it certainly made politics interesting which can't be said of todays shower.
Breaking News-Thatcher has died
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Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Has ex miner Rob ill go with loathe
AM-PM Despatch

Funny the miners loathe her, my grandfather was a miner a but moved to Oxfordshire because he didn't want his kids to go down the mines. Personnaly I believe MR Scargill was the problem, but then each to their own opinion.

[Admin: No swearing thanks]
moray couriers

Dunelm Courier services said:
[Admin: No swearing thanks]
And there was me thinking it was only some HGV drivers that need a brain transplant, stupid comments like that just prove your ignorance!
RGM Courier Services

Christ Rob what have you started? If RLT joins in this thread will go on for weeks!
Website Admin

Differing opinions are welcome but lets keep the tastelessness to a minimum.

Not my choice of Politician, but I can't understand the rejoice at her passing
Best PM this country has had in modern times. The current shower could learn a lot from her. Rest in peace Maggie.
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

I was merely pointing out a news item that many may not have known about as it was "breaking news" and i know many that would've wanted to know
As for the politics, probably best if both RLT and me keep schtumm
moray couriers

What! That would be a first, blimey wots the world coming to? :-)
Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:
I was merely pointing out a news item that many may not have known about as it was "breaking news" and i know many that would've wanted to know
As for the politics, probably best if both RLT and me keep schtumm
Quite agree Rob :)
Can't see us ever agreeing politically, and it's silly falling out over it.
Some things I have read though on various news items and forums is uncalled for. Whatever anyone thought of her, there is no need for some of the vile and disgusting rants!
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

I will not be drawn into the politics of what she did or didn't do. History always has two sides, and is all dependant on which side of the fence you were at the time. It is generally written by the victors, so to those who lost (and there were many) their voices will always be faint.
Today is perhaps not the right time to make them louder
Suffice to say she changed Britain and helped make it what it is today.. Read into that what you will ;0)
moray couriers

I agree there has been on various forums some evil things written, it would make her turn in her grave, but this Lady is not for turning (her own words).

Well said Rob, BiH

Apparently the hash tag #nowthatchersdead on twitter caused a stir amongst Chers fans after they'd thought she passed away

No other politician in her league.

The miners killed themselves off, made themselves to £££££££ to employ and once on strike the gov then found out how cheap it was to import coal simples :-)
Maggy is god :-)
Watching the news last night the people that are having a party because she has died, most of them were not even born when she was in power, (feking hippies)
AJM sameday Couriers

SMH said:
The miners killed themselves off, made themselves to £££££££ to employ and once on strike the gov then found out how cheap it was to import coal simples :-)
Maggy is god :-)
Watching the news last night the people that are having a party because she has died, most of them were not even born when she was in power, (feking hippies)
Just what I thought, they where hippies and if they where 20 years old I would be amazed, anything to get on tv Why are these people never at work.
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

It was only cheaper to import coal because the coal we were importing was and still is heavily subsidised
Take away the subsides and man for man we produced coal more economically than any other country on the planet
Not a level playing field
They call it a global economy but it never is because of subsides, guaranteed price fixing (USA Cotton)
Has everyone forgotten that our coal is still there for future generations if they ever need it.
Yes i saw the donkeys dancing, Most of them were under the age of 30 and therefore know jack about the 70's & 80's apart from what they have been told by others.
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Once you close a pit, it becomes flooded and therfore you cannot just re open it The only economical way to utilise our vast coal reserve is opencast mining which is a huge blot on the landscape
Michael Lucani

Im not ashamed to admit I was inspired by her and was a supporter. OK, I am a former Submariner and was serving in the Navy in 82 but theres more to it than that. I just hope that respect is shown at her funeral or I fear trouble will surely follow and mar the occasion. She is after all, a Mother and a Grandmother. RIP

Next time you boys have a drop in peterlee pop round to easington and them add a post
AJM sameday Couriers

Rod Stewart has been asked to sing at her funeral, but "wake up Maggie" may not be everyones favourite
JH Logistics

Certainly wouldn't be a favourite around my neck of the woods (South Elmsall) as anyone will realise if they read the article by Paul Routledge in The Daily Mirror on Tuesday.

JH Logistics said:
Certainly wouldn't be a favourite around my neck of the woods (South Elmsall) as anyone will realise if they read the article by Paul Routledge in The Daily Mirror on Tuesday.
Yeah, those were the good old days when you could do a double shift at a weekend (on double time) spend much of it asleep then call in sick on the Monday and still take home a grand a week after all stoppages. Or so I was told by the mine's wives running the soup kitchens where we donated gallons of milk during the strike.
And then there was the universal industrial hose replacement service freely available to anyone who ran plant within 10 miles of the NCB workshops.
And the storeman with an Austin Maxi and a false underfloor so that the complicit security gate man couldn't detect the daily pilferage.
King Arthurl did a wonderful job of raising his members' expectations to an unsustainable level of and look where it got him.
AJM sameday Couriers

021 SAMEDAY said:
JH Logistics said:
Certainly wouldn't be a favourite around my neck of the woods (South Elmsall) as anyone will realise if they read the article by Paul Routledge in The Daily Mirror on Tuesday.
Yeah, those were the good old days when you could do a double shift at a weekend (on double time) spend much of it asleep then call in sick on the Monday and still take home a grand a week after all stoppages. Or so I was told by the mine's wives running the soup kitchens where we donated gallons of milk during the strike.
And then there was the universal industrial hose replacement service freely available to anyone who ran plant within 10 miles of the NCB workshops.
And the storeman with an Austin Maxi and a false underfloor so that the complicit security gate man couldn't detect the daily pilferage.
King Arthurl did a wonderful job of raising his members' expectations to an unsustainable level of and look where it got him.
It's grim up North!
JH Logistics

At least there was a sense of community and respect for peoples property unlike today :(

No its not full of wonderful people and we are all true english god bless the queen

With you jh
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Margaret Thatcher is treating her Cabinet to a meal at a restaurant.
Waitress: Would you like to order, sir? Thatcher: Yes. I will have the steak. Waitress: How would you like it? Thatcher: Oh, raw, please. Waitress: And what about the Vegetables? Thatcher: Oh, they'll have the same as me!

Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:
Margaret Thatcher is treating her Cabinet to a meal at a restaurant.
Waitress: Would you like to order, sir? Thatcher: Yes. I will have the steak. Waitress: How would you like it? Thatcher: Oh, raw, please. Waitress: And what about the Vegetables? Thatcher: Oh, they'll have the same as me!
I love it lol

Saw this on twitter yesterday Nobody's getting any work done today. Thatcher is still causing unemployment.

Margaret thatcher... I had all the British miners on their knees and I shafted them! Sir Jimmy Savile... I wasn't far behind you.
moray couriers

JH Logistics said:
At least there was a sense of community and RESPECT for PEOPLES PROPERTY unlike today :(
''And the storeman with an Austin Maxi and a false underfloor so that the complicit security gate man couldn't detect the daily pilferage''
That sounds about right
JH Logistics

I do believe Mr Moray you have misread my post as to respect to peoples property! You tell me where the "Jeremy Kyle" society has respect for peoples property if it's not nailed down it's gone in an instant and sold for a pittance so that their next fix can be scored.
moray couriers

Maggie was not noted for being soft on society so I don't think the blame for the Jeremy Kyle culture can be levelled at her door.
Agreed that the average Mr Joe in the street would not nick his next door neighbours time of day like now but I think you will agree there was very little respect for the bosses property when it came to 'perks of the job' which I was referring to.
AJM sameday Couriers

moray couriers said:
Maggie was not noted for being soft on society so I don't think the blame for the Jeremy Kyle culture can be levelled at her door.
Agreed that the average Mr Joe in the street would not nick his next door neighbours time of day like now but I think you will agree there was very little respect for the bosses property when it came to 'perks of the job' which I was referring to.
Should you guys not have been having this conversation 30 years, the womens dead nowt she can do about it now?

He Is Dead Let Him Rust In PEACE

Anyone else wish that Gerry Adams on Thatcher had been dubbed by an actor, as an appropriate tribute?
Michael Lucani

Dunelm Courier services said:
Next time you boys have a drop in peterlee pop round to easington and them add a post
Mmmmm.. That would indicate that the political argument is lost so they would then resort to some other means of expressing themselves... Just saying

Easington colliery closed in 93 proft that year 3 million 3 hundred years of coal reserves
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

My point exactly
Michael Lucani

She closed down the UK coal industry. Not really. Again the big loss of employment in the mining industry pre-dated her arrival, and indeed more pits were closed under subsequent governments than under Thatcher.
Michael Lucani

93? Maggie stood down in 1990!
AJM sameday Couriers

Michael Lucani said:
93? Maggie stood down in 1990!
She did and the best prime minister ever took up the role
A well balanced read. ;)
Mind you most socialists would still argue the facts are wrong LOL
AJM sameday Couriers said:
Michael Lucani said:
93? Maggie stood down in 1990!
She did and the best prime minister ever took up the role
Not sure about 'best ever' but certainly did ok
AJM sameday Couriers

My voting days are over, they are all interested in themselves
AJM sameday Couriers said:
My voting days are over, they are all interested in themselves
Bloody ell, I am agreeing with you more and more Gary :) must be my age.
I think (might change mind at list minute though) for the first time ever, I will NOT vote conservative! I am sick of it all.
At the moment my vote will go to UKIP.

Michael Lucani said:
93? Maggie stood down in 1990!
The decision was made in 84 my friend with her chum, the old yank mcgregor who also took the British out of Steel.
Since she has been gone, she has caused such a stir in the last fews days, than she ever has when she was in office as primeminister.
Since she has been in Hell, Shes already closed 3 furnaces and privatised it! Joke!
But having said that she did have balls of steel and dealt with terrorists correctly (iranian embassy :) ), I wasnt into politics then, and she doesnt deserve the negativity thats plagueing the social sites, cause she cant defend herself.
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

I seem to recall her causing a bit more than a stir on a shed load of topics Mr Gas, some seem to have short memories, or they weren't around so have no right to comment at all. I will keep out of the politics, all i will say is there are many that were affected by her policies, and some parts of Britain that never recovered.
We have a much bigger greed culture than ever before, and a lot more selfish behaviour.
Can this be attributed to her time in office... Would it have happened anyway?

Then again probably not
JH Logistics

@Speed Couriers (Stansted)
I agree totally some areas have NEVER recovered.
[Admin: Please use the Quote button.]
Michael Lucani

Decision made in 84... Shut in 93... Seems a long time, especially for Maggie Thatcher, normally things were actioned immediately.
Michael Lucani

Dunelm Courier services said:
Michael Lucani said:
93? Maggie stood down in 1990!
The decision was made in 84 my friend with her chum, the old yank mcgregor who also took the British out of Steel.
Sorry, was referring to this comment...

£10 million public money some send off, (PRIVATISATION) some things never change.

Dunelm Courier services said:
£10 million public money some send off, (PRIVATISATION) some things never change.
Way too much money being spent on this, even though she got £75,000,000,000 back from the EU by way of the "rebate".

I find it strange that the Thatcher family want this, she is documented as saying she didn't want a fuss with her funeral as it would cost too much
£10 million is an underestimate the loss to individual businesses around the capital on that day will add to that, people will stay out of London that day. A customer of mine who is on the route has indicated nothing will happen that day and any planned meetings have been cancelled
JH Logistics

Nice to see her £6m townhouse is owned by a mysterious company with links to three notorious tax havens, a scheme to help her estate avoid millions of pounds in inheritance tax(£2.4m of it).

(We 're all in it together) my A***

And here endeth the lesson.
JH Logistics

The rich get richer the poor get poorer.
Michael Lucani

JH Logistics said:
The rich get richer the poor get poorer.
Summat new about that one then, although I do recall a large amount of 'poor' people getting rich in the 80's buying shares at massively discounted prices in the former Nationalised companies they worked for.. BT being the most memorable one to me. There are a lot of people counting their thousands to this day from the privatisation program.

Take it your one of them
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Oh yeh Michael, the amount of people i bump into on a daily basis thanking their lucky stars they bought into Sid et all... Lol You've been away somewhere haven't you...
See what happens when you do this care in the community bollox?
Michael Lucani

Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:
Oh yeh Michael, the amount of people i bump into on a daily basis thanking their lucky stars they bought into Sid et all... Lol You've been away somewhere haven't you...
See what happens when you do this care in the community bollox?
Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chance Speedy... Shouldnt need to point that out to a rich entrepreneur like you now should I?
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Lol. I think you're confusing me with someone else
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

See this is what happens when you shut down the institutions and give them all laptops ;0)
Michael Lucani

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