A quiet Monday thankfully, gald of the break, so what do i do, ahhhh i know i will have a quick look at the memebers that have appeared on here... WOW... Guys where are your insurances for doing the job, should i be that shocked matbe not the industry is rife with it. For all those that are running without insurances, thats HnR and GIT not to mention public liability remember this you will get caught, you will give me and all the other ownner drivers a bad name. And hopefully all the courier companies out there wonr be passing work on to you, i certainly wont. GET IT SORTED
Lack of Insurances
Posted in General Discussion.Skip To Latest
Fastback Parcel Solutions


Don t come on here much now as not alot going on, but to make you happy i tried to upload detail of ins and git, but its not letting me, error coming up when i try to enter it, to be honest only error was me looking on this site as courier expert killed it!
Website Admin

Don t come on here much now as not alot going on, but to make you happy i tried to upload detail of ins and git, but its not letting me, error coming up when i try to enter it, to be honest only error was me looking on this site as courier expert killed it!
I'm currently working on this. Will post back on this thread when I have an update.
Mircea Balan

I tried to confirm my address using the confirmation code that i've got by mail, and it doesnt work... Error of some sort, i gave up after few minutes...
Website Admin

I tried to confirm my address using the confirmation code that i've got by mail, and it doesnt work... Error of some sort, i gave up after few minutes...
I see your address is now confirmed. Problem solved?
Website Admin

Don t come on here much now as not alot going on, but to make you happy i tried to upload detail of ins and git, but its not letting me, error coming up when i try to enter it, to be honest only error was me looking on this site as courier expert killed it!
Please give this another go now, a few issues have been ironed out.
Mircea Balan

Fastback Parcel Solutions said:
A quiet Monday thankfully, gald of the break, so what do i do, ahhhh i know i will have a quick look at the memebers that have appeared on here... WOW... Guys where are your insurances for doing the job, should i be that shocked matbe not the industry is rife with it. For all those that are running without insurances, thats HnR and GIT not to mention public liability remember this you will get caught, you will give me and all the other ownner drivers a bad name. And hopefully all the courier companies out there wonr be passing work on to you, i certainly wont. GET IT SORTED
Fastback Parcel Solutions

First 15 names that appeared today on the news feed showing as no GIT, now i am wondering what other insurances they dont have, guessing all the checks are no longer being done?
mtvan.com Ltd

I'm sure they will get round to it, especially now that we've fixed the insurance section so you can upload PDFs.
The checks are still in place, which is what is leading to the big improvement in the type of members we now have. Lots of companies with VAT numbers and Companies House numbers for us to check, lots of members with websites to check, lots of owner drivers with years of experience. Less than 50% of applicants are accepted.
It's after members join that they can choose to upload their insurance documents. And we hope they will, as it's an important part of the reassurance for other members.
We also like the fact that so many people confirm their address, which again is a big help in building trust.
BTW if you are waiting for the postcard to arrive, having requested it in October/November 2016, we suggest requesting again here. There was a glitch for a bit, now fixed.
All the best
Fastback Parcel Solutions

IF members choose to upload their insurance documentation? It should be compulsory should it not?
mtvan.com Ltd

We think that controllers looking for couriers to give their work to are perfectly capable of checking insurances.
Our job is to give couriers the tools to make that process easier, by displaying their insurances online.
We think it should be compulsory in the sense that anyone not uploading their insurances will obviously get fewer phone calls so it's just common sense to do it.
You can upload your insurance here, including PDF. Files of your certificate. Takes 5 minutes.
Fastback Parcel Solutions

i disagree entirely with most of that, controllers dont have the time to check every courier that calls in with a bid, thats why exchange sites exist so that courier companies can be assured that bids from that particular site are all above board with fully insured owner drivers etc. So now when people come to put jobs on this site and see how many un-insured drivers there are then thats probably one reason ther are so few jobs posted. And i have noticed that the membership has increased over the last few months, most of whom are showing no insurance maybe its because its easier to register on this site knowing that they are not going to be checked in the first place. I think you also have a duty of care to ensure that your members are fully legal to do the job.

We only subcontract work now. No vehicles of our own. Only subcontractors.

I dont take work off here so not a problem, but i do have cover for over £1m on my git if yoru interested ;-)
1Courier LIMITED

I'm brand new to this, but my 5 cents worth is that sites like this should make having all the insurance compulsory insurances a must.
To those who don't have the correct insurance, you will be caught, the checks are getting better and faster al the time.
Should IMO be, not got the correct documents, then you CANNOT bid on a job
I have put my insurance details in but I cant upload the pdf as proof of insurance is there a problem with the upload
I've tried several times to upload docs I've sent them via email to Tim & support at mtvan Com but no sign of then in my account yet
I hope this site gets better as Courier Expert seems to be mainly Hatchback car jobs. I run a small van & this past week I think I've seen 8 jobs for small vans & some of those were for VIP members only. I tried to bid for one but told I needed to be VIP member & hold £10k GiT, I told them that I have £20k Git but still told that I must be VIP member
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