Worst name for a Courier Company?

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Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

I have a personal thing about A2B Couriers....don't like it one bit but i've seen a member on here that i think easily beats that into 2nd place. S.E.X.I Couriers???!!!!

Sameday Everyday eXpress Insured
Now i know we need to stand out above the rest and Speed doesn't exactly do that but come on.....sexi couriers?
How about Couriers Understand New Technology?
or Transport Within A Timeframe



when we started i wanted Simon Houghton Internation Transport,  S.H.I.T  for short :-)



seen Redline couriers (as in the rev's) a couple of times & fast lane couriers

as they usually aren't in any hurry



What about Sameday European Xpress Items...? Which is what we also do.





Hi Rob

Nice to speak with you for the first time on the telephone Rob.

.Hope I cleared up things there with you. And as you agreed SEXI not an easy name to forget.

look forward to being able to share some work in the future.


Kev @ SEXI

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

and yes Kevin, it may well get you noticed, but so would I wearing a clown costume...the question for me is, does it look professional?......and for me, the answer is no.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

as long as your vans aren't logo'd up Kev yes...lol

Nottingham & Derby Couriers


Hot young girl in office "Hey girls that "SEXI" courier will be here in a minute."

Now enters 23 stone driver who just spent 40 mins unloading heavy boxes in 18 degrees.

Scratches his arse and says mornin ladies...........

Springer Express Couriers


Trotters Independent Traders  Rodney?

Nottingham & Derby Couriers


I'll just point out i have never seen a SEXI driver, I was only a joke.
I hope he isn't 23 stone now!!!!

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

I've had a few sexi couriers over the years, me for one..lol and i've had a few couriers with attitude, and the odd arsehole....however, i choose to put em all under one name, gets far too confusin otherwise....its hard enough getting some customers to get the size of vehicle right, so to ask them if they'd like a sexi courier or an arsehole courier, a courier with a limp or one who moonlights as a lookalike for a silverback is going a bit too far.

Trades description act might kick in, what's sexi for her isn't necessarily wot's sexi for him.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

U.G.L.I Couriers

We may not be pretty, but we get the job done

mtvan.com Ltd


For what it's worth, I think SEXI Couriers is a great brand. It has the benefits of being memorable, different, a talking point.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

It is certainly that, as this thread proves....but i suggest its a bit gimmicky and anyone looking for a professional courier wouldn't think this is one. Humour has its place for sure, but are we laughing with you...or at you?

mtvan.com Ltd


Yes, there's a risk of that, but I think it doesn't make you laugh (at or with), it makes you smile, which is a good thing. Whereas UGLI doesn't :(

Any concerns about professionalism can be answered by how he comes across on the phone, and what his website looks like: http://www.sexicourier.co.uk/

Do we automatically doubt the professionalism of Virgin Atlantic, or FCUK?

(Apologies for talking about you as if you weren't in the room, Kev).

Website Admin


Have to agree with Tim, I knew who this thread was about before I'd opened it because I had remembered him joining not long ago because of the name.

Unusual names can be damaging but a sensible website, good english and a clean looking van quells any of my fears. I'd be as happy to try him as Joe Bloggs couriers down the road and I'd be more likely to remember him.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

If you knew what this thread was about, then i suggest that in the back of your mind you too thought it a tad crass. Being remembered  for being polite, courteous, doing the job ontime and at an affordable price is whats going to get you noticed, more than what you decide to call yourself



There used to be one local to me called "Get Carter Couriers"

I googled him after this thread appeared looks like the company is dissolved



A while back in Notts, someone set up as Where's Wally Couriers 


Didn't last long though

RGM Courier Services


Saw a courier called Harry Carry with a picture of a samurai sword on the side of the van!



lol i remember him alan

Nottingham & Derby Couriers


A while back in Notts, someone set up as Where's Wally Couriers 
Didn't last long though

Oh no they are still going , Its just nobody can find them!!!!!!!



So whats wrong calling your company SEXI...?

Its easy to remeber, and harder to forget.

Lets look at some of those bigger companies who like to call themselves couriers but are really next day parcell delivery companies with the odd same day delivery

DHL. Where does that say  Courier...?


City Link..?

or those big hauliers

 Eddie Stobbart..... You would never have heard of him if he did have so many fingers in so many pies.  Talking trains and boats and planes Not to mention Busses an trucks     RIP Eddie.

And of course my van have the Company name phone number and logo on the side..

Why wouldnt you put your name on the side of your vehicle... Its your company name.

And...  No problems with me in my the clown suit.. If if would bring in customers I'd have my drivers where one to. Any more good ideas to promote my buisness, please dont go shy like Rob did on the phone share em on here.

Not got time to reply to every ones posting ... Got more work to do today,

Catch up with you all late

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

I didn't go shy....it was a random call as you well know saying you had a driver clearing in London....I said i'd bear you in mind, and then you asked if i knew who i was talking to?!

Then you revealed who you were....and you then said it was a memorable name, to which I replied "yes i'm not saying it isn't" Like I said further up....I ain't going to be using a subbie with a Logod van with S.E.X.I written on it....call me old school if ya like
And no DHL TNT etc don't have Courier in their name...then again they ain't Couriers so i for one ain't surprised



My own Spare van at the Stone Roses concert in Manchester... 2012

Delivering the guitars for the Boy Band guitarist I suppose.



Really TNT and DHL dont do same day work...

I remeber taking a big package for TNT all the way to Gdansk for TNT and when I arrived I had to say I was a TNT driver.

I guess they wre all mixed up in the office at TNT that day

Also Just for your proffesionl list Rob

Big Brother and Children in need use our services as well as the Stone Roses,,, just a couple you might of heard of.

And even when I told you who I was just were lost for words...

And my London driver is OK now so were OK there .. But still looking to cover a return on the other 3 jobs I mentioned for next week.



Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

Why am i not surprised the Stone Roses use you

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

and Big Brother....now there's quality...lol

3D Courier Services


Me and my 2 partners are wondering whether to use an acronym for our logo?

3D Courier Services


Just revised my business hours.


Scott Reid


Hey Steve,  I think you should go for the acronym. 3 DICS. That'll really pull the punters. :-).



A very small percent of TNT & DHL business is sameday so I don't think of them as couriers either,

possibly every one of us could rattle off household name/blue chip companies we've worked for, is it credabilty by association? 



HI Mk Bikes..

Not to rattle off to much about Blue chip companies,

But its worth it when they call back every year. Obviously were doing somthing that they like.




Mine call every week ;-)

RGM Courier Services


SO, mine call every day !! LOL,   :-D..



mine call everyday lol :-)

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

I do keep saying it, but some aren't taking any notice

If you have nothing to say, say nothing
Better to be known as the quiet one, than be known as the stupid one

Fastback Parcel Solutions


still waiting for mine to call.....lol



Not sure who you are refering to with that^



Shall we have a game of trumps then?

The biggest blue chip?

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

It refers to those that talk tripe, so worry not...not aimed in your direction MK

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

There are some on here that seem to think the age and make of your car show how successful you are...lol

A certain chap keeps on at how unprofessional we all are, but at least we can spell
Success for me is whether i'm comfortable with what i'm doing, and how i'm doing it
It certainly can't be measured by the size or age of my car, or how loudly i big myself up

Is this another Thatcherite "You are what you earn"
I'm richer than most I know cos I've got what i want....Contentment

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

It ain't a blue chip that some on here have MK....it's one that sits on their shoulder

K and G Couriers


I like chips.

and cake.............



MK Bikes

What a good idea about trumps..

My biggest Blue chip company is Disney... We often run out to Madrid Spain to collect

for his outletts on

Oxford Street London, His main UK show off shop. Belfast, His Northern Ireland

show off shop,

Even  the MK shop occasionally gets a visit along with the Aberdeen shop.



McDonalds would trump Disney but I can't boast ever working for them LOL

Manadon Despatch


Years ago I was in a local motorcycle club called  Caldicot Riders And Pillions .... or C.R.A.P., for short. We made it into Motorcycle News with that one.



LOL  MK Bikes...


Even my dog wont eat food from  there...

But he will share my pie and chips, So now I buy him his  ... There just not the same once he's had his nose in there...


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