UK - London Cargo Company needs cargo pick up from UK

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Send Cargo Limited

Original Poster


We are a UK London based company that needs parcel picking up from different locations on the UK,

Manchester, Northampton Luton Scotland Wales Etc...

We have clients on these areas who have parcels to give us and we would like to find drivers from the UK to come forward and give there details so we can get these cargo to our office.

[Admin: Snip, please don't post contact details on the forum.]

Vantastic Transport


Hi send cargo ltd, instead of just coming out with asking for drivers details, why don't you upload your insurance details and post work that you may have for various locations around the UK like you say and let the o/d quote for your respective work and build up relationships in the process.

Website Admin


Hi Ajmol,

I would suggest posting your jobs in the normal way to alert relevant members to your work. It would help to fill out your profile completely and make yourself better known on here as drivers are rightly wary of extending credit to a new vendor.

Best wishes

Nottingham & Derby Couriers


Send Cargo,

Your profile is BAD.

We couldn't even consider working with you at this point.

Your profile is so devoid of information i would feel safer using a blind carrier pigeon.

Scott Reid


Have a look at some of the "example" prices they are charging their customers for freight to Bangladesh link text.

I don't think there is much room to quote in there :-)

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