Shed 5 Exchange Site

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Original Poster

I've been looking on the Shed5 site and looks similar to this one, is it genuine or is it fake?

I've done a company search under their trading name (Shed 5 internet solutions) according to the there website but not been able to find anything with that name. I've noticed a few members from this site on there, whats your views on that site?

AJM sameday Couriers


No comment.


Original Poster

Is it that bad lol

AJM sameday Couriers


No comment.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Rapid Light Haulage is the one to ask (Alan)

It's not fake, no...



Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:

Rapid Light Haulage is the one to ask (Alan)

It's not fake, no...

Why ask me ffs?

Yes I am a member of Shed5, Courierworld, and COD forum. Nothing more!

I am probably worst to ask as I rarely sub out work and do not seek to get any work from the internet.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Cos you're a member and know its not fake, so can vouch for it... Nothing more

The guy is asking for advice

MK Transport


I've been a member for 8 months and made some great contacts and found some regular work that is paying very well nothing but good things from my point of view

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Shame I can't edit... When i said try Rapid Light Haulage, I did of course mean MK Transport!

AJM sameday Couriers


I was a member for a few years, like MK said it's a good site, but I'm banned for been outspoken & a yob, I'm a changed man now lol

MK Transport


Oh and it's cheap :)

S Garner Courier


I like Shed5, have been a member since July 2012, I think for most of us it's a no brainer to be a member. I've made good contacts on there and get good jobs on a regular basis, the £25 spent has more than paid for itself.

Scott Garner said, elsewhere:

It is rather tedious how the arguments go regarding which is the "best" exchange. It's all a matter of opinion based upon what you want to get out of the exchange. Some opinions do seem to be unfounded and downright daft at times but maybe we should let them be, each to their own.

It does however seem that when it comes to quality against quantity you get the opposite of what you pay for!.....

I may be speaking out of turn here as I don't know C X, not being a member, but from what I hear you get mountains of work and a cast of thousands all bidding for scraps, easy to cover your overspill but you're never sure of the quality of subbie/subber, also seems to fall over when busy as the server can't cope. Costs ££££££s

mtvan you get varying amounts of work at varying rates, a large number of members so can cover overspill but again not too confident in quality as checks are minimal at best and it does seem to take a while for a rogue to get the boot, the site creators don't seem to be very focussed on what members want development wise on a site that can be awkward to use especially on a mobile if you want to use something other than Apple. Costs £££s (for PRO membership)

Shed5 there's not much work posted but what's posted is at decent rates or clearly stated and much is done by the background network, smallish number of members so it can be difficult to cover your overspill work at times but you can feel much more confident in trusting the members, development is often based on input from forum members. Costs £25 once only forever and ever, Amen!

I shall await the shower of arrows, bullets and flames to put me in my place

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


No shower of bullets from me

It sound like shed 5 is a friendly place to be, and the guy running it does do a good job at vetting exactly who it is that's allowed to join, but it is small and as such the ability to cover work will all depend on what areas you need cover for

Courier Exchange is the big kid on the block, is expensive (which you would've thought would be enough to weed out the flyby-nights) but it does do what it says on the tin, i. E you jobs will get covered AND get covered quickly.

There are a few areas that are not so good, but because of the sheer number of members, there will undoubtedly be someone passing wherever it is or pretty close.

The caliber of driver has been condemned by a few, but at the end of the day it's up to you who you give your hard fought work to, so check em out before you say yes. Often you'll know just by speaking to them!

mtvan? Its growing, but it needs more members to truly compete.

Parts of the software are far superior to Courier Exchange, but people are leaving feedback on each other far too early.

There are 2 parts to this job as a subbie/OD:

  1. Doing the job
  2. Getting paid for it

So wait until you get both before leaving feedback is my advice, that way we can believe what we read.

Join em all, then you'll know which is right for you

They all work, just in different ways

3D Courier Services


I got a free 3 mth trial of Shed 5 a couple of years back. All the jobs that I posted on here I also posted on Shed 5. We were all struggling to cover jobs on mtvan at that time but I did not get 1 bid from Shed 5 either so I did not join. Same goes for Courier Gold. Maybe they are better now?



Everything in our business is outlay vs return, I would say it must be impossible not to far exceeded your Shed5 fees, so in that respect it's money well spent.


Original Poster

Thanks for all the input guys. Reading some of your opinions has put into light abit more.

AJM sameday Couriers


If you behave you can also learn how to clean your house windows



I'm puzzled??

AJM sameday Couriers said:

No comment.

AJM sameday Couriers


MK Bikes said:

I'm puzzled??

AJM sameday Couriers said:

No comment.

If you confused by the no comment, it's because I was banned in my rebel days.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


When are your rebel days due to end then?

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Sometimes being better known isn't all it's cracked up to be



AJM sameday Couriers said:

MK Bikes said:

I'm puzzled??

AJM sameday Couriers said:

No comment.

If you confused by the no comment, it's because I was banned in my rebel days.

I was confused that you did later comment when you posted you weren't going to?

AJM sameday Couriers said:

If you behave you can also learn how to clean your house windows

AJM sameday Couriers


Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:

When are your rebel days due to end then?

They have ended I'm getting to olt for being a rebel, it's far easier being nice.



AJM sameday Couriers said:

Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:

When are your rebel days due to end then?

They have ended I'm getting to olt for being a rebel, it's far easier being nice.

Ask Mike if you can re-join then? lol

ProLink Logistics Ltd


As I've mentioned on the CX thread, we're no longer members there so I'm looking at other options.

I really like the forum here but unfortunately there just doesn't seem to be any work at all, so I wondered if people still think Shed 5 is worth signing up to (and paying £25 for)? Is there much more work posted there compared with here?



WS Distribution Ltd said:

As I've mentioned on the CX thread, we're no longer members there so I'm looking at other options.

I really like the forum here but unfortunately there just doesn't seem to be any work at all, so I wondered if people still think Shed 5 is worth signing up to (and paying £25 for)? Is there much more work posted there compared with here?

Well worth it Great bunch on there, lots of good contacts to make.

Beeline Couriers UK


I'm a member of mtvan, Shed5 and COD forum - all have their uses, good information, and great banter (when there's no in-fighting!). I had work from both mtvan and Shed5 so it's been worthwhile for me.

S Garner Courier


WS Distribution Ltd said:

As I've mentioned on the CX thread, we're no longer members there so I'm looking at other options.

I really like the forum here but unfortunately there just doesn't seem to be any work at all, so I wondered if people still think Shed 5 is worth signing up to (and paying £25 for)?

Yes, it's well worth it as 'you will only pay zis once!', then you're a life member as long as you log in every now and then.

WS Distribution Ltd said:

Is there much more work posted there compared with here?

No, if anything there is not as much work posted there, but behind the scenes if you make yourself known you will get work. Chat in the forums, get yourself noticed (in a good way). Most of it, as has been said, is done by communicating directly via call or text etc as opposed to being posted.


Well worth it Great bunch on there, lots of good contacts to make.

As RLT said, make contacts and prove yourself, you'll get your name passed on. I've also made further contacts (not on Shed5) via contacts made on Shed5.

ProLink Logistics Ltd


Ok, cheers, I might have to give it a go. Thanks, Scott, I remember you recommending it a little while back to me actually.

Bit surprised that there's probably less work than on here though, I would like sites like this to take off more and challenge Courier Exchange so they have less of a monopoly, but I just don't see the work at all (and hate seeing old jobs left for months).

S Garner Courier


Old jobs don't hang about on Shed5 either, they're not left to bump up the numbers artificially, they expire and disappear. The same happens with memberships, if they don't pop in from time to time they expire, nothing is faked!

Beeline Couriers UK


S Garner Courier said:

Old jobs don't hang about on Shed5 either, they're not left to bump up the numbers artificially, they expire and disappear. The same happens with memberships, if they don't pop in from time to time they expire, nothing is faked!

That's one of the things I like about Shed5. Although they don't post a lot of small van jobs, at least it disappears after a time, unlike mtvan which has jobs lingering for days and I find it frustrating looking for new jobs among the old.

Website Admin


S Garner Courier said:

Old jobs don't hang about on Shed5 either, they're not left to bump up the numbers artificially, they expire and disappear. The same happens with memberships, if they don't pop in from time to time they expire, nothing is faked!

If you don't log in on mtvan then after a few months you disappear from the directory. It has been like this for quite a long time.

You can change the dates on the courier work page to filter old results out and we're intending to update it to be like this by default. Nothing is done on mtvan in an attempt to 'fake' anything.

Beeline Couriers UK


Website Admin said:

You can change the dates on the courier work page to filter old results out and we're intending to update it to be like this by default. Nothing is done on mtvan in an attempt to 'fake' anything.

Ah, overlooked that! Thanks for pointing it out.

LwsExpress transport solutions


AJM sameday Couriers said:

MK Bikes said:

I'm puzzled??

AJM sameday Couriers said:

No comment.

If you confused by the no comment, it's because I was banned in my rebel days.

I remember them well Gary.

LwsExpress transport solutions


I have been a member of Shed 5 for 5 years, and having been a member of all the others in the last 5 years I have to say Mike does the best job around weeding out the cretins etc that hide on many of the others and unlike Courier Exchange if you crap on someone or don't pay someone you are kicked off ASAP, in 5 years I have had one guy go pop on me and Mike soon got rid of him, in two years on Courier Exchange I had about 6 go pop owing me money, I could go on more about the rats that hide on there but the poster asked about shed5 and I have to say its a no brainier really for the price you pay. Les

AJM sameday Couriers


LwsExpress transport solutions said:

I have been a member of Shed 5 for 5 years, and having been a member of all the others in the last 5 years I have to say Mike does the best job around weeding out the cretins etc that hide on many of the others and unlike Courier Exchange if you crap on someone or don't pay someone you are kicked off ASAP, in 5 years I have had one guy go pop on me and Mike soon got rid of him, in two years on Courier Exchange I had about 6 go pop owing me money, I could go on more about the rats that hide on there but the poster asked about shed5 and I have to say its a no brainier really for the price you pay. Les

I have to agree with everything you have said Les, I do regret been a rebel but you can't turn the clock back.

LwsExpress transport solutions


Gary, I was not having a pop mate, just saying I remember our banter etc extremely well. Hope you are keeping well. :-)

AJM sameday Couriers


LwsExpress transport solutions said:

Gary, I was not having a pop mate, just saying I remember our banter etc extremely well. Hope you are keeping well. :-)

I know you weren't, I remember chatting on the phone to you when you lived in that posh place called Southport.

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