Courier Exchange members jumping ship?

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Humber Sameday Ltd

Original Poster

Seems to be a lot of people unhappy with the new website. Many jumped ship to mtvan?



I'm having loading issues with it, i have to refresh about 8 times before loads on my laptop and it wont load on my phone.

Beeline Couriers UK


I wonder if the new look to their website was done because of a new exchange that's launching soon?



Beeline Couriers said:

I wonder if the new look to their website was done because of a new exchange that's launching soon?

Thats a good point lol

Website Admin


Beeline Couriers said:

I wonder if the new look to their website was done because of a new exchange that's launching soon?

I don't think so. Courier Exchange have been working on their make over for a long time, and they've had a tonne of material in the style of their new home page for well over a year. Also it's notoriously difficult for any exchange to gain traction, I doubt they're too worried about any unproven exchange that is starting from scratch.



New site working ok for me, but I will not be renewing when my sub runs out!



I've managed to get it working on google chrome, but internet explorer just don't want to work for me. I still can't get it to work on my phone tho.

Website Admin


East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:

I've managed to get it working on google chrome, but internet explorer just don't want to work for me. I still can't get it to work on my phone tho.

Which version of IE and what phone? Internet Explorer is the biggest pain of all browsers, especially versions prior to 9.



Ie9 and my phone is samsung galaxy ace 2. I do prefer google tho if im honest



Chrome or Firefox for me. I think IE is run by CIA {allegedly} lol



BusinessBuddy said:

Chrome or Firefox for me. I think IE is run by CIA {allegedly} lol

Same here chrome and firefox, iphone 5



I can't get it to work in Firefox at all, although they told me this should be fixed by Thursday. You'd think they'd have all that kind of thing ironed out before launch wouldn't you. But the launch date was probably more of a marketing decision than a development one...

Dash Despatch


Working fine on laptop (firefox) but had to download Firefox beta from the Play Store to get it running on the HTC - wouldn't work with the phones native browser, whatever that is :-)

Website Admin


And once you've got it working on whichever browser, how are you finding it? Anything particularly good or bad?

Dash Despatch


I'll give it a couple of weeks to get used to it before I answer that question. need to find out where everything is and get used to navigating around it.



Website Admin ( said:

And once you've got it working on whichever browser, how are you finding it? Anything particularly good or bad?

It'll be good when it's finished, but it's far from being so. Some of the changes have been made for change's sake, like the icons depicting vehicle size - you can't tell the difference between small van, midi van and transit now. In many ways it's only catching up with mtvan.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


It has always had inferior software, but has got away with it up to now by having the quantity of members that make it work. I have had no issues with the new look Courier Exchange but i do wonder why they didn't take this as an opportunity to allow the use of full postcodes. How can it give you an accurate mileage without them?

There do seem to be a number of members that are having issues, but in areas that don't affect us, so I can only go off the bits that are applicable to us, and apart from the big yellow one not being yellow anymore, there seems to be little difference. I stick a job on, it gets covered, and that's pretty much all that interests me.

As for those jumping ship? There will always be some that don't like change, and to start whinging after the 1st day is not perhaps giving Courier Exchange the benefit of the doubt. There will always be problems with any new launch, but the fact that the complaints are in their teens rather than dozens or hundreds suggests to me that there isn't much that needs tweaking.

The biggest issue by far seems to be regarding owner drivers having the number of jobs they can post limited, and that is down to companies abusing the system and signing up as OD's instead of companies to save money. That may be the cause for more to leave than the problems of the launch of the new site ever will.

Deadline Despatch


Im struggling to use it at the moment I cant work out how to put my empty vans on. And definitions aren't very clear on hot shot/ Backloads. Not liking it at the moment although im sure it will be fine.

Michael Lucani


Im always bemused by the fact that peeps want to discuss Courier Exchange on here, if you have an issue, use the support mechanism, no one at Courier Exchange towers gives a shit whats posted on mtvan!

AJM sameday Couriers


Michael Lucani said:

Im always bemused by the fact that peeps want to discuss Courier Exchange on here, if you have an issue, use the support mechanism, no one at Courier Exchange towers gives a shit whats posted on mtvan!

Why is it you always sound in a good mood?



Michael Lucani said:

Im always bemused by the fact that peeps want to discuss Courier Exchange on here, if you have an issue, use the support mechanism, no one at Courier Exchange towers gives a shit whats posted on mtvan!

Except that they seem to have closed the feedback system so you can't leave feedback about the site or vote on feedback topics (I'm talking about the site feedback not member feedback before anyone gets confused).



Deadline Despatch said:

Im struggling to use it at the moment I cant work out how to put my empty vans on. And definitions aren't very clear on hot shot/ Backloads. Not liking it at the moment although im sure it will be fine.

I've already suggested on the forum changing the "same day timed/next day timed" terminology to "urgent", "non urget" and "prebooked" but not many people responded. I don't understand the terms they're using at the moment.

Esi Logistics


Just an observation on the new Courier Exchange site. As the jobs are now clearly described as same day timed or same day not timed or 3 to 5 days etc this surely overcomes the problem of companies putting on sameday timed as a backload, something i think had increased recently. I like the facility of searching within a radius of a specific town, if im heading somewhere i can set this up and see whats coming up from my drop off point. For me its better now.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


And as this is an open forum, you'd be pretty naive if you thought someone from Courier Exchange doesn't read whats on mtvan, being a competitor an all

Springer Express Couriers


The new Courier Exchange is basically good and like anything new it needs a little polishing! the Lack of returns being viewable to O/D's is a pain but they should get it sorted, and the lack of radius search on the directory make it a little difficult, just as well it's fairly quiet this week or there would be tears!!

LwsExpress transport solutions


I think you may find that people are jumping ship so to speak are using the new site as an excuse to get away from all the robbing bar stewards that lurk on there in the guise of courier company's.

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