Not getting paid

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County Exceutive Couriers

Original Poster

Hi I am new to here & saw a post about not getting paid or taking a lot of time, I have just done my first job through here & did not want to get the same, as believe 14 days is more than enough to wait in my book, so I put this on my invoice marking out my stall to start with, wether it will work is another matter will let you know,

Terms are strictly 14 days from date of invoice unless previously agreed, A late payment charge will be added after this time @ 20% per week or part there of, Payment can be made direct into my bank account which accepts the faster payment System maximum 2hrs but usually instant, My details are as follows.

I also messaged the company stating that I would leave feedback & trusted once I had received payment to my account & that I had a good experience with the site & job.



It would be nice to get paid in 14days! Most companies work on 30 days eom. We try to pay earlier than that but our terms are 30 days eom

Preston Courier Co Ltd


Customers get credit, sub-contractors should be paid ASAP so asking 14 days is not unreasonable.


Terms are strictly 14 days from date of invoice unless previously agreed, A late payment charge will be added after this time @ 20% per week or part there of

You can't enforce that late payment charge legally even if it's in your T&C's

Best you can do is add a charge of £40.00 per invoice under £1,000 £70.00 per invoice under £10,000 £100.00 per invoice over £10,000

If you take someone to court you can claim interest as well, but unless it's a large amount, it's usually more hassle than it's worth.

AJM sameday Couriers


Sorry I thought this was a joke, try waiting 90,120, 150 days.

RGM Courier Services


A couple of companies I work for don't pay for 2/3 months, they're not vindictive or or anything, just dozey. They do pay when I remind them though. So, if you're getting regular work off them, or want to, I wouldn't threaten legal action, etc. as you may not get any more work.



I would go looking for your own customers then lmao

ATM Logistics


County Exceutive Couriers said:

A late payment charge will be added after this time @ 20% per week or part there of,

You can't just make these things up, you should do some research on things first, namely the legislation covering late payments

ATM Logistics


You do realise your name is spelt wrong by the way!

GeeGee vans


Confucious say n"softly softly catchee monkey" or in other words dont bite the hands you are trying to get to feed you. By all means be firm but being bolshi and demanding will soon see you with none to very little work. Try generating a mutual beneficial relationship and build for the future. It takes a lot more to get a good name than it does to get a bad one

RGM Courier Services


It takes a lot more to get a good name than it does to get a bad one Did Confusius say that too? If he didn't he should have. Wise words Mr Gee Gee.

A E Delivery


Sad to say ive had a chance to nibble at 2 jobs posted on here in the last day and been busy on both!

Why oh why is it you get offered work when your busy but when your not then...

AJM sameday Couriers


ATM Logistics said:

You do realise your name is spelt wrong by the way

ATM Logistics said:

County Exceutive Couriers said:

A late payment charge will be added after this time @ 20% per week or part there of,

You can't just make these things up, you should do some research on things first, namely the legislation covering late payments

County Exceutive Couriers said:

Hi I am new to here & saw a post about not getting paid or taking a lot of time, I have just done my first job through here & did not want to get the same, as believe 14 days is more than enough to wait in my book, so I put this on my invoice marking out my stall to start with, wether it will work is another matter will let you know,

Terms are strictly 14 days from date of invoice unless previously agreed, A late payment charge will be added after this time @ 20% per week or part there of, Payment can be made direct into my bank account which accepts the faster payment System maximum 2hrs but usually instant, My details are as follows.

I also messaged the company stating that I would leave feedback & trusted once I had received payment to my account & that I had a good experience with the site & job.

Don't Citysprint pay every week. Give them a bell

Kwikdelivery Ltd


If you approached me with that attitude you'd get fuk all work from me.



Kwikdelivery Ltd said:

If you approached me with that attitude you'd get fuk all work from me.

Agree! It amazes me that businessmen, [self employed drivers, fit that category] have no idea of how things work in the real world.

Nothing wrong with 90 day or even 120 day payment, which is NOT unusual in the UK!
One just has to have a business plan and the back up before starting up, then it matters not!
It would be nice to get paid immediately, but sadly in this world it wont happen.

Try working for the likes of BT as a sub contractor, and stating those terms :) You would be lucky to get paid before 120 days, but more than likely you would not get any work.

Best bet is to work for TNT or City Sprint, they pay on your terms, but at THEIR prices

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Arrogant I call it and not the best example of how to endear yourself to people you expect to give you work. 30 days is the norm. In a previous comment you state you're looking for work direct from businesses and not courier company's who you seem to regard with contempt. You state you do 99% of the work? See how difficult it is to gain contracts then tell me you deserve 99%. You upstarts think it's so f**kin easy so why join an exchange site, surely you can do without all of us lot who have spent a lot of time and money getting our customers and keeping our customers. Sure we need couriers to carry out the deliveries but can you go touting for contracts AND drive? Like I said ARROGANT



Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd said:

Arrogant I call it and not the best example of how to endear yourself to people you expect to give you work. 30 days is the norm. In a previous comment you state you're looking for work direct from businesses and not courier company's who you seem to regard with contempt. You state you do 99% of the work? See how difficult it is to gain contracts then tell me you deserve 99%. You upstarts think it's so f**kin easy so why join an exchange site, surely you can do without all of us lot who have spent a lot of time and money getting our customers and keeping our customers. Sure we need couriers to carry out the deliveries but can you go touting for contracts AND drive? Like I said ARROGANT

I agree with you there Rob



County Exceutive Couriers said:

Hi I am new to here & saw a post about not getting paid or taking a lot of time, I have just done my first job through here & did not want to get the same, as believe 14 days is more than enough to wait in my book, so I put this on my invoice marking out my stall to start with, wether it will work is another matter will let you know,

Terms are strictly 14 days from date of invoice unless previously agreed, A late payment charge will be added after this time @ 20% per week or part there of, Payment can be made direct into my bank account which accepts the faster payment System maximum 2hrs but usually instant, My details are as follows.

I also messaged the company stating that I would leave feedback & trusted once I had received payment to my account & that I had a good experience with the site & job.

Good luck trying to get 20% per week for late payment



OK, it's at least 10 days now since you started this thread, presumably more since you did the job. How's it going with the 14 days payment?

PW Courier Services


County Exceutive Couriers said:

Hi I am new to here & saw a post about not getting paid or taking a lot of time, I have just done my first job through here & did not want to get the same, as believe 14 days is more than enough to wait in my book, so I put this on my invoice marking out my stall to start with, wether it will work is another matter will let you know,

Terms are strictly 14 days from date of invoice unless previously agreed, A late payment charge will be added after this time @ 20% per week or part there of, Payment can be made direct into my bank account which accepts the faster payment System maximum 2hrs but usually instant, My details are as follows.

I also messaged the company stating that I would leave feedback & trusted once I had received payment to my account & that I had a good experience with the site & job.

First off did you discuss with the company that your terms were 14 days from date of invoice when you took the job on if not the company that gave you the work would be working on 30 days eom, Like someone else has said why dont you try & get your own customers When I started out in the courier business i didn't have any off my own customers but I did know some people who gave work to transport companies, So I did work for couriers who sub out out work with payment days 30, then slowly work from the for said companies gave me some work did a good job for them & they recommended me to other companies now I have a sound hopefully based of my own customers. I now have given the ropes to my son who has carried on the same way, he has built up a bigger customer base

Mr G Courier Service


Have you had your business cards printed yet? Do they state County Excuetive couriers too?

Your right ATM you cant make these things up



Mr G Courier Service said:

Your right ATM you cant make these things up

Actually, technically you CAN make these things up AND if they go on your invoice they can stand (there's a thing about last document - if you're the last one to write to the other person, what you say stands up). However, the recipient is fully entitled to write immediately saying that he does not agree to those charges and then they DON'T stand up (it's not good enough to phone, or let the payment date expire then say you pay differently) - you then have to write immediately saying you don't accept his rejection of your terms and they are as previously stated. He can then again say NO and so on and so forth. If you were still talking to each other, you could play silly buggers for 30, 60, 90, 120 days, couldn't you? PMSL.



Rather than bitch about getting paid why not be positive and look for more business.

AJM sameday Couriers


Asap-Direct said:

Rather than bitch about getting paid why not be positive and look for more business.

They can't do that, they are moaning Southerners only happy when they are moaning.



That's not all. Southerner Softypantses are Smartarses too.

Westford Couriers


Wow I've been on this site about a year and only ever had one job to go at (East Lancs Sameday, farewell Darren, Great guy) and I haven't even demanded a thing about payment terms, late payments, court action bad feedback and I still don't see much work (Warrington, Cheshire) Maybe I'm doing it all wrong, Good luck

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Right attitude wrong exchange?

County Exceutive Couriers

Original Poster

Love all the comments, I have been in the business for 30yrs I do the work today, I pay for my expenses today, I expect payment from someone that is making 40-50% off my hard work to at least pay me in a reasonable time, over 30days is not reasonable, its a piss take, I only went on here to get a few jobs before I jack it in for good, this business has been fucked by the greedy large Courier Companies, the reason City Sprint & the like cant get & keep good professional drivers that have been in the business a long time, is because of the high commissions, when I started 36yrs ago it was 20% across the board why is it now 40-50%, pure greed is the only answer, the guy with the van getting 60p per mile is, according to the RAC & AA trying to make a living off less than the cost it takes to run the vehicle, the Self employed courier driver is getting a shit deal, but as long as newbie idiots keep signing up it will never change, so I will be winding up my business after 36yrs to get a job were I get paid holidays & sick pay, were I don't have to work 14hrs a day for wank all, unless something changes I predict that sub contracted drivers will be history in a few years as the hourly rate will be better to be employed & the benefit will be greater.

County Exceutive Couriers

Original Poster

Oh & yes I know its spelt wrong there is an E missing big deal.

AJM sameday Couriers


Fuckin hell you Southerners don't half moan.

County Exceutive Couriers

Original Poster

Not moaning stating facts, if u don't like it fuck off

County Exceutive Couriers

Original Poster

If the northern monkeys paid me I wouldn't have anything to moan about would i.

AJM sameday Couriers


County Exceutive Couriers said:

If the northern monkeys paid me I wouldn't have anything to moan about would i.

You would

County Exceutive Couriers

Original Poster

Ive worked hard for 36yrs & never complained about it, but I know when its time to jack it in, so pardon me for having a well deserved whinge about the state of this business before I fold my business, I wish you all well for the future, but I think the vast majority of Subies know I am telling the truth, & you large companys should seek out the good experienced drivers & make them a better deal before they all fuck off to an employed job & leave you with nothing than a bunch of monkeys that will only do your business's harm which could cost you far more than a 10% reduction in commission.



Send me a PM with a list of all your contacts please - it can't be worse than mine!

3D Courier Services


County Exceutive Couriers said:

Ive worked hard for 36yrs & never complained about it, but I know when its time to jack it in, so pardon me for having a well deserved whinge about the state of this business before I fold my business, I wish you all well for the future, but I think the vast majority of Subies know I am telling the truth, & you large companys should seek out the good experienced drivers & make them a better deal before they all fuck off to an employed job & leave you with nothing than a bunch of monkeys that will only do your business's harm which could cost you far more than a 10% reduction in commission.

3D Courier Services


3D Courier Services said:

County Exceutive Couriers said:

Ive worked hard for 36yrs & never complained about it, but I know when its time to jack it in, so pardon me for having a well deserved whinge about the state of this business before I fold my business, I wish you all well for the future, but I think the vast majority of Subies know I am telling the truth, & you large companys should seek out the good experienced drivers & make them a better deal before they all fuck off to an employed job & leave you with nothing than a bunch of monkeys that will only do your business's harm which could cost you far more than a 10% reduction in commission.

I don't know where you got the idea that courier companies, like me, get 40/50% of a job. We are lucky to get 25% and usually only 20%. Take a look at some of the vendors feedback on here to see what the "good experienced subbies" say.

It's the experienced drivers who stay and the monkeys who have to get a "proper Job" because they have no idea how to run a business.

PW Courier Services


3D Courier Services said:

3D Courier Services said:

County Exceutive Couriers said:

Ive worked hard for 36yrs & never complained about it, but I know when its time to jack it in, so pardon me for having a well deserved whinge about the state of this business before I fold my business, I wish you all well for the future, but I think the vast majority of Subies know I am telling the truth, & you large companys should seek out the good experienced drivers & make them a better deal before they all fuck off to an employed job & leave you with nothing than a bunch of monkeys that will only do your business's harm which could cost you far more than a 10% reduction in commission.

I don't know where you got the idea that courier companies, like me, get 40/50% of a job. We are lucky to get 25% and usually only 20%. Take a look at some of the vendors feedback on here to see what the "good experienced subbies" say.

It's the experienced drivers who stay and the monkeys who have to get a "proper Job" because they have no idea how to run a business.

Scott Reid


"The Norm" in this industry is to invoice for the work you have done at the end of a month, giving 30-31 days grace to pay (This would be 60 days terms!).

However, if you call up enough courier companies you will find some that pay on fortnightly or even weekly terms.

I have two long standing clients whom I invoice every Monday and always receive full payment by Friday.

You have to really go through the mill to find clients like this. But they do exist.

Westford Couriers


Just came across this again and was wondering how he got on. Did he get paid in 14 days or what. Can you tell I'm bored?

Gas Motorcycle Couriers


County Exceutive Couriers said:

Oh & yes I know its spelt wrong there is an E missing big deal.

No "E" missing it's just slightly dyslexic. The "C" and "E" need to be swapped, Just saying.

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