Should the site make it mandatory to provide git, liability and commericial vehicle courier insurances before activating memberships as other trade sites do would it succeed in stopping tom dick and harry signing up and restore faith?
New Member Requirements
Posted in General Discussion.Topic Closed

RGM Courier Services

Excellent idea. I'd go along with that. It'd get rid of the cowboys who give us a bad name.

Minimum requirements would give both professional owner drivers and courier companies more peace of mind and as result make the site a better alternative to other exchange sites
It's been said b4 and in my opinion full memberships should be put on hold until a copy of GIT has been given
mtvan is currently open to abuse to anyone that wants to take advantage and it makes for a cynical and mistrusting bunch, and lets face it, we don't need much help where thats concerned

Me kimosabi you tonto
Might give the site a certain amount of 'creditability'? Must admit it has crossed my mind on several occasions when putting work on here, If I know the subbies name from Courier Exchange I'm happier to give the work out, You know because of the cost and time it takes to get approved your not going to get a painter and decorator with a dusty paint flecked van and satnav turn up at your important customer,
We have delivery supermarket for them!!
Springer Express Couriers said:
Might give the site a certain amount of 'creditability'? Must admit it has crossed my mind on several occasions when putting work on here, If I know the subbies name from Courier Exchange I'm happier to give the work out, You know because of the cost and time it takes to get approved your not going to get a painter and decorator with a dusty paint flecked van and satnav turn up at your important customer,
Im not sure Mr Springer we were doing a bit of work for a big Courier Exchange company in Wakefield until he went bust last year (They were not very big after that!). I said Liam where the hell did that van come from he replies a member of Courier Exchange! This was about 2 years ago and this was a rusty K reg LDV ex post office van! The driver smelled like a rotting carcass I had never seen like it even the gypsys looked upmarket after that !
I think that the feedback system needs a tweek so that you you have a check box that you have to tick to confirm that you have received payment for work completed before positive feedback can be left. No tick no feedback.
We took the AET Transport job because of their good feedback !
I know it can be a pain but i really think a landline number as well as a mobile is always better, I am always a little uneasy when only a mobile number is listed.
GIT should be displayed on a members profile. PL & EL cover could be shown voluntary.

I would suggest GIT & H&R for each and every vehicle you offer, I'd be interested to see the policies for the cars that some people offer, not to mention the Bikes ;-)
Definately H&R and GiT, But possibly driving license aswell for current address.
London Nationwide Transport said:
Definately H&R and GiT, But possibly driving license aswell for current address.
Agree with all dont know about DL but vat certs and Inc certificates should you be limited
And O license copy should you be that keen
I agree with GIT as a minimum, but for Courier Companies this would be difficult cos some have a large turnover of drivers so it would only be accurate for that day and that day alone.
There has to be another way for Companies to be vetted.
At the end of the day you want to know you're going to get paid, showing you my GIT for several drivers doesn't help
So it needs to be a two tier system of vetting
OD's supply GIT, insurance and VAT cert to become full member
Courier Co's supply something else... Not sure what
Rob as a business everybody is responsible for ensuring that their customer is credit worthy I dont think its fair to put this pressure on the site. The list of culprits from here and other sites else were never credit worthy in the first place so why did so many people give them credit If your not happy explain you need a direct bank payment or even a paypal payment If your that concerned then set up a card facility most of you wizz kids can do this from your Ipods anyway! We dont use it much but we set up a company business paypal account and customers if they dont have a pay pal account can put their card in. Its cost a bit on each transaction but why take the risk
S Garner Courier

Perhaps the 'Courier Companies' could provide proof of a business bank account to those running mtvan. By showing their business bank account statement would at least offer a proof of banking as a business and a postal address. The admins could then add a 'verified' mark to the profile. Won't guarantee payment but maybe gives some traceability.
For limited companies, the registered number and maybe directors names would also help.
Scott Garner said:
Perhaps the 'Courier Companies' could provide proof of a business bank account to those running mtvan. By showing their business bank account statement would at least offer a proof of banking as a business and a postal address. The admins could then add a 'verified' mark to the profile. Won't guarantee payment but maybe gives some traceability.
For limited companies, the registered number and maybe directors names would also help.
Good idea but of course for a Ltd company you can do a companies house search
I think there are some good ideas with providing business banking info for the companies and driving licences or passport details for owner drivers.
I hope that admin can take some of this on board and give us some input. Without admin the site is useless and the same if members are reluctant to use the site.
S Garner Courier

Barnsley Shipping said:
I dont think its fair to put this pressure on the site.
I'm not sure that there is any pressure on the site to check credit worthiness, I think the point is that as a paid up member you would expect that the site has at least something in place to check that job vendors are at least a bona fide business with some traceability.
As has been said many times, time is of the essence with most jobs posted. If you want me to pick up in 30 mins at a point 25 mins away, I don't have time to check companies house etc. Although, I do agree for the cases where many jobs have been done for one vendor.
I realise that the site hosting costs money, but surely that is not all we are paying for?
Agreed Scott
For credibility there HAS to be some sort of vetting process
Not only that but you then have a USP over the opposition
As Scott said, 99% of jobs are for now, so you want to be able to rest assured that you don't need to check out the vendor, cos mtvan has already done it... Leaving you to just get on with the job in hand with confidence

Rob as a business everybody is responsible for ensuring that their customer is credit worthy I dont think its fair to put this pressure on the site.
I agree with Scott here, There is no pressure on the site. Legal requirement for H&R should be displayed to MTVAN admin, They should then post on your profile page, even if its just a from to date for your Insurance and GIT, PL. May be copy of your driving licence could be used to verify an OD's address as seen on their profile, and for companies severa landl line bill's or simlar. Something showing you have been established at an address for a period of time. And not just 2weeks, as appears to have happened with AET Kent.
I agree the site needs to come of age as weve read in the forum on previous occasions with OD's saying how did this X company get hold of my phone number. Admin could run a page where suggestions for thoughtful improvements could be suggested.
I also think as previously suggested ( By Mr Speed I think as well as others). A seperate exclusive members forum. Where popular/legal issues could then be shown on the non memebers side of the forum.
But thats another issue and the issue is new memebers requirement...
It should be a member requirement to provide THEIR details for the admin team on joining mtvan and on renewal of their annual subscription
It s not pressure i'm putting on the site, merely a suggestion that would actually be of benefit to mtvan cos it'd have something over the oppostion.
By having bona fide members who know that whatever they do will be paid for, and vendors happy that who they sub to are up to the job, we aleviate the lack of trust and cynicism seen here an elsewhere.
I reckon you'd then get droves of other exchange members signing up, more work, more cover etc etc Ltd

Just thought I'd let everyone know where we are on this. We obviously want to be the exchange that everyone trusts, and that everyone finds quick and easy to use. So thanks for the ideas and feedback so far. Please keep it coming.
We think that mtvan doing the vetting on everyone would be a huge cost which we would have to pass on to the membership. Also, mtvan vetting doesn't add anything to the reliability of the information. It's you who need to see these docs, not us.
We prefer to give everyone quick and easy tools to allow you to check enough stuff about the person you want to sub to or from to make a sensible decision quickly.
So, first off, how many people have added their GIT insurance to this page? Add GIT Insurance Details Page
That page has been there for ages, and I bang on about it all the time.
We've recently added a red flag on everyone's Profile to warn if the insurance details aren't up to date. Here's my Profile, showing no insurance: Profile of Tim Gilbert If you do have insurance, it will say so.
Some of you will remember that until recently we had an ID documents upload option, so everyone could upload enough info (driving licence, gas bill, GIT Insurance Certificate, Certificate of Professional Competence if - like me! - you have one, so anyone wanting to sub to you can decide whether subbing to you is risky or not. That upload feature was removed recently (as we wanted to make sure the mtvan watermark we added to the document was totally secure for you) and will be put back soon, and we think it's good info.
Courier companies can also put their insurance details on, obviously, and can upload some sensible docs, e.g. VAT cert, company formation cert etc. Something official showing a reliable full legal company name or individual's name and registered address, so Owner Drivers know who and where to come after if they are not paid.
Creditworthiness of companies is a tough one, as everyone points out. The info publicly available is vague and out of date. We think two-way feedback is the key here, properly used (ie once you got your money) and we think Vendors should be allocating the job to the courier so feedback can be left, and should be encouraging Owner Drivers to leave feedback.
So we say: Use the tools on mtvan. Don't trade with people without insurance details. Don't trade with anyone you can't go after something goes wrong. Read, leave and demand feedback. Don't give more credit to anyone than you can afford to lose. Ltd

Here's what it says if you DO have unexpired insurance details:
S Garner Courier

But without a site official verifying certain aspects, this information is useless. I just entered the below as my insurance details and it now shows me as insured...................
Company Name : Disney
Policy Number : 2468Whodoweappreciate
Cover Amount (£'s) : 4294967295
Expiry : 10/10/2099
Much like when someone registered recently and they had their address as 'Tillet, Herts' which I believe was stolen from the comedy address for the 'Cockwell Inn'

^^^^^ Thats funny
3D Courier Services

When filling in mtvan account details it ask for a vat number but this shows no where on your profile. This is a free and easy way to check if a company is legit.
3D Courier Services

Try it. Just type vat number 855499079 in you browser bar.
If i wanted a list of couriers in the uk i could use yell. com or some other suchlike
The reason people use exchange sites is basically for the same reason BUT there is an assumption, like it or not, that some vetting has been done, and therefore a certain standard of courier.
If this is not the case then I think you should look at doing something, cos as we've just seen, it is to easy to dupe the systems you currently have in place.
As i also said earlier, if we can all have confidence in the members, then you WILL entice more legit members and avoid some AET type threads which can only damage MTVans credibility and reputation
This industry need a kite system....why can't that be through MTvan?
Do stringent vetting and you get the standardised industry I think we're all looking for
Being a member of MTVan would then be something really worth having

When i previously mentioned seeing ins docs for all types of vehicles I didn't mean all vehicles, there are many offering cars I'd imagine to cover a gap in their services because they run a large van, and also many offering motorbikes, its not unheard of for folk to get their Sunday pride and joy out to cover work. Ltd

No, it's not useless:
If it says the member has GIT insurance, the uploaded insurance certificate will verify that. (feature to be restored very soon).
If it says "No Valid GIT Insurance" that is also telling you something useful.
What we are offering goes a million miles beyond what Yell offers, as it allows you to check their insurance documents online.
It will soon be very similar to the vetting system used by Royal Mail Courier Services, and "Royal Mail vetted" is still considered something of a gold standard for Owner Drivers. (As you know, we wrote the online vetting system Royal Mail use now).
If it's good enough for them... Ltd

Really like that idea, thanks, we'll use that one.
I here you but Think of Corgi, or ISO
Whatever you think of em they DO suggest a certain standard for the services you're offering, or buying, depending which side of the fence you're on.
I don't want to look at everyone bidding to see if they have uploaded GIT etc, by being a member that should be enough for me... By being a memebr I know they have the relevant documentation
You're missing an opportunity here
You could relaunch yourself as the Standard Courier Charter Ltd

I hear you too.
Let's see what the take-up is of people entering their details, and uploading their docs. It could then develop into a standard where we review what we've seen, maybe adding one or two more background checks, and awarding a kite mark or similar.
Thing is, if people can't be persuaded to show people like you who are trying to give them work and money that they are properly insured by simply uploading their stuff, what chance do I have of getting them to photocopy it all and post it to me so I can upload it?!
And what value does that add, anyway?
Just added my Company and VAT reg. Numbers to my profile. Took less than a minute. Ltd

I don't want to look at everyone bidding to see if they have uploaded GIT etc, by being a member that should be enough for me... By being a memebr I know they have the relevant documentation
We could easily filter out bids from anyone who didn't have your required documentation.
S Garner Courier Ltd said:
Thing is, if people can't be persuaded to show people like you who are trying to give them work and money that they are properly insured by simply uploading their stuff, what chance do I have of getting them to photocopy it all and post it to me so I can upload it?!
And what value does that add, anyway?
That's only part of the equation. What about the security for the subbie wanting to take on work posted. How does he/she know which vendor to trust? After all, that's what kicked off most of these discussions, not a subbie having no insurance!!
As for photocopying and posting, what century are we living in? Scan and email. It doesn't need to be your whole life story, just something to verify that it's a traceable business and that the details supplied on the site match up to something real.
Value is: members stay paid up instead of just helping this site to become a victim of their own small success. If I'm going to spend a few days reading the members list and checking out all and sundry to see who's bona fide, I would then have my contact list and not need to pay for membership ever again as I could go direct to gain work or sell jobs to subbies. Ltd

I think we're in danger of agreeing. By the time someone has scanned their stuff and emailed it to me, for me to upload to mtvan, why would it not make sense for them to scan it and upload it to mtvan themselves? What am I adding?
And I agree with you 100% about the courier companies, which is why in my long reply I said that companies need to upload the kind of docs that allow O/Ds to know precisely who they are trading with, and where to find them for small claims purposes. And I like the VAT number idea.
Again, once the docs were uploaded by companies, I'm not ruling out the idea of us doing some checks and awarding a "Verified" kite mark. So if you choose (very sensibly) to trade only with people who are verified, mtvan is quite happy send you alerts only from verified Vendors.
It's what you, Rob, and others are asking for, isn't it? Only achieved via an easier route?
3D Courier Services

could we have the vat number after the address of the member, hyperlinked to such as this
Just updated my profile to include insurance company providing GIT / PL and VAT reg no. Ltd

Thanks, we're going to try to go one better than that, as there is an API that let's mtvan get the VAT number's name and address data for use on the site without human intervention.
Thanks to everyone who is updating their details.
Well we need to do something! Put a job on today nice easy job pick up from 9am tomorrow (collect by 12) in Hounslow drop before 17.00 in Birmingham 110 miles box will fit in pocket!! Left it an hour, 2 quotes both over a £1 a mile! Silly very silly!! put it on the 'other site' got a call within 3 mins from a very competent who we have used before and got the job covered at a sensible rate,
Courier Exchange gets equally daft quotes tho doesn't it
The problem here is the number of members... Or lack of... And that will hopefully change
Both sites have Pro's and Con's and both have the

Taken from Scott
Value is: members stay paid up instead of just helping this site to become a victim of their own small success. If I'm going to spend a few days reading the members list and checking out all and sundry to see who's bona fide, I would then have my contact list and not need to pay for membership ever again as I could go direct to gain work or sell jobs to subbies.
Am I thinking Scott is saying "Members details should be protected from non members logging onto MTVAN and listing couriers details ". In which case I think Scott is right. Lets have a members only section. Upload your personal, vehicle, buisness details. get them vetted and dont forget to send in your money, It wont stop some one taking down our details off MTVAN... But at least they will have had to pay for the privlage. Ltd

We'll always be at risk of people taking what they want and going off-site with the info. That's in the nature of the internet. The trick for us is to make it easier, quicker and better to go via mtvan than not to. If you really want to go off-site, make my day, but at least tell people "I got your number off mtvan" :)
I agree with that. Just as at the moment the member info is protected from abuse as far as we can without making the site unusable, and by the time we're showing insurance certificates it's definitely Pro-only.
RGM Courier Services

How come half of you on this thread don't have a valid GIT? Cant trust anyone, LOL..
PW Courier Services

Ok i have been reading this thread, so for example i am an owner driver out on the road i have the mtvan app on my phone it pings that there's a job not far from where I am so i log on it tells me the collection & delivery points, mileage with a map, what vehicle is required, name of the vendor is, but there is nothing about if i can trust the vendor, may be in the vendor information area, a tick or a star to say that the vendor is trusted by other members, just an idea
S Garner Courier Ltd said:
We'll always be at risk of people taking what they want and going off-site with the info. That's in the nature of the internet. The trick for us is to make it easier, quicker and better to go via mtvan than not to. If you really want to go off-site, make my day, but at least tell people "I got your number off mtvan" :)
You have seemingly missed the point again, or as Rob put it 'missed opportunity', yet seem to have the right marketing philosophy at the same time!
'Making it easier, quicker and better to go to mtvan than not to' is spot on as a marketing philosophy. Bit of a no brainer that you want people to use your site. One word is missing from that statement, 'safer'. The ultimate sales catcher is when you make your customer feel secure and safer with you.
If you've already written the gold standard vetting system, why is it not here already with bells and trumpets on?
Repeat business is cheaper than marketing for new business, so encourage me to stay. A growing member count also serves as an automatic marketing pitch, more members more work more enticing.
My fear is that others may see it the way it is beginning to look from my point of view and your source of income may well just dwindle into non-existence. You're willing to allow members to display the documents and information so that we can do the vetting ourselves, if we have time, but you're still going to allow the scoundrels to be prolific on the site until enough of us get stung for you to suspend their activity. At which point you've already had their membership money.
All of my comments are merely my suggestions aimed at helping this site to progress for everyone's benefit, including those who own/run the site. So chucking your toys out of the pram and telling me to 'make my day' is certainly not the way to keep my business or for that matter impress other site users. Ltd

Hi Scott
Thanks for that, and I apologise if I offended you. My "make my day" point was simply an attempt humbly to acknowledge that on the Internet it's impossible to control customer behaviour, but it is sometimes possible to influence it.
I definitely include "safer" in my comment about making it "better" to use mtvan rather than your contact list. That's what this whole thread is about.
Please let's be clear about this. I'm not asking you to do the vetting. I'm offering facilities for people who want to be vetted to upload their documents and make declarations that they are insured and so on. This information can then be bundled together, possibly with further checks being done, to allow the award of a "verified" status. You can then choose to trade only with those with that status.
That allows you to set your business rules, and trade accordingly.
I remain optimistic that enough people like you will see value in that, and be prepared to pay for it. That is why the gold standard vetting system is currently being used as the basis for a vetting system on mtvan. We can't just use the one we wrote for Royal Mail, though, as THEY as vendor on their own system, ARE prepared to do a lot of the vetting effort, whereas you, and others who have expressed an opinion here, are not!
All the best
Tim Ltd

@PW thanks for the point about the app. We see the app having stuff like Rep added at the next update. We'll make sure it doesn't fall behind the rest of the site.
We want the app to be the best (and safest) way to use mtvan when out on the road.
3D Courier Services Ltd said:
@PW thanks for the point about the app. We see the app having stuff like Rep added at the next update. We'll make sure it doesn't fall behind the rest of the site.
We want the app to be the best (and safest) way to use mtvan when out on the road.
It would be helpful if there was an Android version and even Blackberry. You mentioned in an earlier thread that iPhone were the biggest users on this site but I note from the news that Samsung now have the largest share of the mobile market, not to mention all the others. Surely this puts iPhone in the minority?
Website Admin

3D Courier Services said: Ltd said:
@PW thanks for the point about the app. We see the app having stuff like Rep added at the next update. We'll make sure it doesn't fall behind the rest of the site.
We want the app to be the best (and safest) way to use mtvan when out on the road.
It would be helpful if there was an Android version and even Blackberry. You mentioned in an earlier thread that iPhone were the biggest users on this site but I note from the news that Samsung now have the largest share of the mobile market, not to mention all the others. Surely this puts iPhone in the minority?
Yesterday Blackberry released their much anticipated new platform. Everything that came before is obsolete. And obviously it remains to be seem how the new platform fairs. I hope it does well (I think it certainly looks nice), but Windows Phone is struggling for any meaningful market share.
A huge number of those Samsung phones are 'dumb' Android phones bought by people who just went to the phone shop and came out with whatever the guy there recommended. Only their high end phones are comparable to an iPhone.
3D Courier Services

Interesting link Richard but as you read on what a can of worms. Been hanging on for blackberry 10. Bring it on! "but we digress"
Good grief really? After 3 months of stress and lost work I took my Samsung S3 back to Vodaphone it was an absolute waste in plastic ,worst phone I have had since the techophone tp3 in 1996!! I have an HTC for most things but I also run a Blackberry which is by far superior to android based phones worst phone I have had since the techophone tp3 in 1996

Git details uploaded
I can't believe how many members profiles state no valid GIT.
I did a quick look and out of around 15 i looked at only 3 had uploaded details.
Some of the ones i looked at are regular contributors on the forum.
Hello Mr Notts your right we will upload ours but I just drifted on to here The internet is all new to me. I have spent the last 15 years telling everybody our small business does not need the internet. Now look Im rubbing shoulders with all you wizz kids learning about how I can get our vans reloaded in France just by using a plastic screen called Andrew the Android . Absolutely out of this world
Nottingham & Derby Couriers said:
I can't believe how many members profiles state no valid GIT.
I did a quick look and out of around 15 i looked at only 3 had uploaded details.
Some of the ones i looked at are regular contributors on the forum.
I ONLY take work from my own Clients and rarely sub off others unless it's to do them a favour, however, I am somewhat confused about this thread. Does it mean those NOT updating their Insurance, you would NOT take work from, or indeed sub work out to?
Nottingham & Derby Couriers said:
I can't believe how many members profiles state no valid GIT.
I did a quick look and out of around 15 i looked at only 3 had uploaded details.
Some of the ones i looked at are regular contributors on the forum.
I ONLY take work from my own Clients and rarely sub off others unless it's to do them a favour, however, I am somewhat confused about this thread. Does it mean those NOT updating their Insurance, you would NOT take work from, or indeed sub work out to?
That a good point you might only be here to sub work out
No it's not, this thread is all about is whether the subbee is good enuff to do the job, and whether the subber is going to pay
I only sub work, but you want to be paid, same rules apply
If I was actively here to sub jobs out, it would make no difference to me that it said by their names that they were insured! If I was really concerned I would ask for details to be faxed to me.
Hence why I think MOST companies who sub work out already have a list of their own prefered sub contractors, unless seeking alot of quotes to get the cheapest option
3D Courier Services

I have encouraged some of my regular subbies to join mtvan. I can now post work on here and they are alerted immediately. If they want the job they contact me, saves me having to ring round to find an available driver. It also opens it up to OD@s that might be in my area. Still in beta stage but it's working. What might be useful for the site, and members, is if Courier companies could select trusted members only when posting. Kind of a network within a network, if you see what I mean. Needs ripping apart, I know, but that's what the forum's for!
I think thats what admin have suggested Steve
3D Courier Services

OK, might have missed that Rob. Shall stick to head shaking. Lol.
Yeh lol
I don't think some really get what exchange sites are all about
Can i be bothered to explain?
They don't listen anyway
3D Courier Services

Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:
I think thats what admin have suggested Steve
Ah, Ive just found that post, it suggests we can choose to only deal with "verified" couriers but does not mention an option, when posting, that only those "verified" or "trusted" will see and receive alerts for the post.
I'm sure we'll get there Ltd

I have encouraged some of my regular subbies to join mtvan. I can now post work on here and they are alerted immediately. If they want the job they contact me, saves me having to ring round to find an available driver. It also opens it up to OD@s that might be in my area. Still in beta stage but it's working. What might be useful for the site, and members, is if Courier companies could select trusted members only when posting. Kind of a network within a network, if you see what I mean. Needs ripping apart, I know, but that's what the forum's for!
This is exactly what I think Vendors should be doing. Post work on mtvan to sub work mainly to your pre-vetted couriers, and speak to any new possibilities who bid for your work to see if you want to add them to your list.
So much quicker than phoning round.
As a Vendor you can add your pre-vetted people to your Trusted list, which make the Trusted-only option on the Directory make sense.
On the other side of the coin, I always say to new members looking for work to speak to prominent people on mtvan and ask them "what have I got to do to get on your list of approved suppliers, so when I bid you'll take me seriously?". I say this because I think for any courier business it's quite a risk giving your work to any Tom Dick or Harry you've never heard of. All the stuff I've talked about in this thread is trying to reduce that risk.
Barnsley Shipping said:
London Nationwide Transport said:
Definately H&R and GiT, But possibly driving license aswell for current address.
Agree with all dont know about DL but vat certs and Inc certificates should you be limited
You dont have to be vat registered to be limited thought i think the git pl, motor insurance should be enough but if ltd i dont see why letter of incorperation couldnt be provided. landline isnt really applicable these days as many people use a land line only for internet access at home. if ltd a quick companies house search should be enough.
Website Admin said:
3D Courier Services said: Ltd said:
@PW thanks for the point about the app. We see the app having stuff like Rep added at the next update. We'll make sure it doesn't fall behind the rest of the site.
We want the app to be the best (and safest) way to use mtvan when out on the road.
It would be helpful if there was an Android version and even Blackberry. You mentioned in an earlier thread that iPhone were the biggest users on this site but I note from the news that Samsung now have the largest share of the mobile market, not to mention all the others. Surely this puts iPhone in the minority?
Yesterday Blackberry released their much anticipated new platform. Everything that came before is obsolete. And obviously it remains to be seem how the new platform fairs. I hope it does well (I think it certainly looks nice), but Windows Phone is struggling for any meaningful market share.
A huge number of those Samsung phones are 'dumb' Android phones bought by people who just went to the phone shop and came out with whatever the guy there recommended. Only their high end phones are comparable to an iPhone.
I don't think it struggling too much, it seams to be on the rise mainly due to Nokia. Yes i do have a Windows Phone as my main phone but the live tiles would make a good platform with regards to alerts. Yes the Blackberry OS does look nice but after the wife having one she's said never again, due to it always locking up. Android yes they're cheap but there's a reason they're cheap. Personally I wouldn't have one as I feel the OS is too open to security issues.
Website Admin

Legrys Express Ltd said:
I don't think it struggling too much, it seams to be on the rise mainly due to Nokia. Yes i do have a Windows Phone as my main phone but the live tiles would make a good platform with regards to alerts. Yes the Blackberry OS does look nice but after the wife having one she's said never again, due to it always locking up. Android yes they're cheap but there's a reason they're cheap. Personally I wouldn't have one as I feel the OS is too open to security issues.
Windows Phone now (apparently) has 5.9% market share in the UK. More than I thought.
The Blackberry your wife has used is not related in any way to the new version released a few days ago, as mentioned we don't know yet how well this will do.
Website Admin

Legrys Express Ltd said:
You dont have to be vat registered to be limited thought i think the git pl, motor insurance should be enough but if ltd i dont see why letter of incorperation couldnt be provided. landline isnt really applicable these days as many people use a land line only for internet access at home. if ltd a quick companies house search should be enough.
Correct, you don't have to be VAT registered to be a Ltd company.
3D Courier Services

And, of course, you don't have to be a Ltd company to be VAT registered but I fail to see how anyone in the "transport" industry can operate profitably without being VAT registered. Almost all of a couriers business is "business to business" therefore VAT on sales is irrelevant. How on earth you can sustain the vat on expenses such as fuel (your biggest overhead) vehicle repairs, etc, etc, without claiming it back. Is beyond me. Maybe that's why so many fail?
It epends on whether or not you want the hassle of vat may couriers go the flat rate myself included as couier work for me isnt my main income stream so fuel over heads are low
Well with all this dicking about it would seem very straight forward, The site either goes ring fenced with 'proper' couriers (including the forum) or it stays open to all and sundry,
However if we get clowns like the one's that quoted me the other day when I posted a job then we're doomed Captian Mainwaring

Serious exchange site or forum it has to be one or the other. Trade sites are not open to the general population
I tell ya what would be useful
The directory distinguishing between pro members and non pro members

Feedback. Pro and trust filters
Springer Express Couriers said:
However if we get clowns like the one's that quoted me the other day when I posted a job then we're doomed Captian Mainwaring
So every quotation you receive that your not happy with or isnt to your liking your saying theyre clownes?, also noticed your not showing valid GIT but your posting on such topic, you also state on your website free Insurance, what does that mean?.. You also have a few vehicles I bet that costs in insurance?
MK Bikes said:
I would suggest GIT & H&R for each and every vehicle you offer, I'd be interested to see the policies for the cars that some people offer, not to mention the Bikes ;-)
The only thing is my GIT covers any vehicle for upto 14 days automatically without notification.. Yes I have this in writing.. +1 especially theyre pride and joy
When I get time I will look out the policy and post it! Because I know what I 'm doing and and I'm not quoting stupid prices (ie more than the person who sold the job) I'm busy. If you want to sit on your arse moaning your quiet and when a job does come up you price yourselves out of the market don't moan at me!
This Topic should have been called Old and New Mbr Requirements and may ruffle a few feathers
Springer Express Couriers said:
Well we need to do something! Put a job on today nice easy job, 110 miles, box will fit in pocket!! Left it an hour, 2 quotes both over a £1 a mile! Silly very silly!! put it on the 'other site' got a call within 3 mins from a very competent who we have used before and got the job covered at a sensible rate,
So if I was to offer a rate for a bike say less than a pound would you class that as silly and class me as a clown? (not that I would subby to anyone, unless its someone I know and trust to help out).
Springer Express Couriers said:
When I get time I will look out the policy and post it!
You have been a mbr since 24/03/2011 - so does that mean your exempt from the title of this thread, which also applies to other regular old school users as well.. if you are going to contribute to this thread you should lead by example!Because I know what I 'm doing and and I'm not quoting stupid prices (ie more than the person who sold the job)
Im not sure I follow? so does that mean:
1)you quote another courier and re-sell the job?(driving the price right down)
2)You quote end user cheaply and expect the subbie to be less than your quote?
3)or your a subbie?
I'm busy. If you want to sit on your arse moaning your quiet and when a job does come up you price yourselves out of the market don't moan at me!
No Im not moaning and dont need to do anything, I only quote to fellow couriers that I trust and know if they are in a sticky situation. Im not desperate enough to quote cheap, and work on the basis of quality. Also if I have subbed out to someone that has never worked for me on the basis of value, and they are worth more, I will pay that little extra this in turn will put a smile on their face, I may lose on profit slightly, but in the long run Ive gained, a quality subby, and one very happy client..
My Moto ... You pay peanuts you get monkeys..
Can we stay on the thread please
We're all after the same thing, and that is to be able to trust that
A) all subbies have relevant cover and nous to do the job professionally B) the vendor has he means to pay said subby for the work carried out
That's what this thread is about NOT rates or quotes
There's plenty of other posts to vent your spleen on that one
Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:
It's been said b4 and in my opinion full memberships should be put on hold until a copy of GIT has been given
mtvan is currently open to abuse to anyone that wants to take advantage and it makes for a cynical and mistrusting bunch, and lets face it, we don't need much help where thats concerned
Springer Express Couriers said:
Might give the site a certain amount of 'creditability'?
Springer Express Couriers said:
When I get time I will look out the policy and post it!
Dont throw stones in glass houses
As teachers you should lead by example the problem seems to be with some old mbrs not just new mbrs..
Having a bad day?

It was pointed out the other day that a few members commenting on this thread hadn't included their GIT info, so I did mine :-)
Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:
you also state on your website free Insurance, what does that mean?.. You also have a few vehicles I bet that costs in insurance?
You are not allowed to offer insurance at additional to customer unless you are registered with the FSA so all insurance is free
MK Bikes said:
It was pointed out the other day that a few members commenting on this thread hadn't included their GIT info, so I did mine :-)
Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:
you also state on your website free Insurance, what does that mean?.. You also have a few vehicles I bet that costs in insurance?
You are not allowed to offer insurance at additional to customer unless you are registered with the FSA so all insurance is free
Keep this on the thread Tony :)
Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:
Can we stay on the thread please
We're all after the same thing, and that is to be able to trust that
A) all subbies have relevant cover and nous to do the job professionally B) the vendor has he means to pay said subby for the work carried out
That's what this thread is about NOT rates or quotes
Sorry, I didnt intend to use this thread for rates and quotes it was hyperthetical, but when it comes to cost of the pro and add insurance and folk are trying to make a living, offsetting these costs in their quotation and find mr couriers of the world are saying silly very silly and use someone cheaper, then it makes you wonder..
Also as a new mbr and made an effort from joining to put as much details as possible on site, I see old mbrs contribute to an interesting topic who cannot practise what they preach then I have for one, have no trust, I mean when you start scratching at the surface what else are you going to come across...
AJM sameday Couriers

It sounds like half a dozen of you are shit stiring and have nothing better to do, if they don't have their insurance details posted, simple don't use them.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:
MK Bikes said:
I would suggest GIT & H&R for each and every vehicle you offer, I'd be interested to see the policies for the cars that some people offer, not to mention the Bikes ;-)
The only thing is my GIT covers any vehicle for upto 14 days automatically without notification.. Yes I have this in writing.. +1 especially theyre pride and joy
Apparently according to some on here GIT would prove creditability, and the minimum insurance requirement to some exchanges, I knew a courier a few years back who told me he had his van insured as a painter & decorator all he'd need was a £300 GIT policy and he will have saved himself £1K. So if all you are going to check is GIT, PL & EL (if relevant) then there is still scope for a cowboy to join the game H&R must be included.
They regularly have police checks on courier bikes in York Way, Kings Cross the last time I was stopped they had about 10 lined up awaiting collection for incorrect insurance, the copper told me that the owners were only allowed to remove personal items from the bike so any "jobs" must have still be on board, mainly he told me just to screw them up with their companies, he said most will come down with a courier policy in hand later to get their bike back and have to explain to their company the 3hr delay
Well the GIT details is i believe a relatively new addition (certainly the red "not got git" is) so i think we can forgive those that haven't updated, but it's the bigger picture that we're all trying to get to i think.
You want to know you're going to get paid, and we want to know you have a certain standard about you.
There are a growing number of Couriers, old and new that have NOT got the relevant insurance, and it's those that are able to quote low... And it's these we want out.
By "regulating" the site, you would then all know we're singing from the same hymn sheet (politics aside) and this site would then be able to offer the vendor and subbee a "standard"... And a standard i believe we all want.
Anyone not able to adhere to said standards would not be allowed to join
Elitist maybe... But what's wrong with that
Nothing wrong with being Elitist.
No matter how stringent the criteria is set at, things can and will go wrong!
I was talking to a friend earlier, [not in this industry] who is struggling to pay a couple of his subbies after another company went bust owing him £30k. He said he did not see it coming and came fast, and out of the blue, and sadly has been told that he will struggle to recoup anything as this company owes people almost £1,000,000.
Only thing to be safe, I think, is to not give too much credit in the first place, but no amount of checking Insurances etc can sometimes prevent things going wrong.
AJM sameday Couriers said:
if they don't have their insurance details posted, simple don't use them.
I dont intend to.. ;-) I can forgive those that have genuinely not updated, but cannot forgive or trust those that dont..
I totally agree with speed couriers...
Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:
Well the GIT details is i believe a relatively new addition (certainly the red "not got git" is) so i think we can forgive those that haven't updated, but it's the bigger picture that we're all trying to get to i think.
You want to know you're going to get paid, and we want to know you have a certain standard about you.
There are a growing number of Couriers, old and new that have NOT got the relevant insurance, and it's those that are able to quote low... And it's these we want out.
By "regulating" the site, you would then all know we're singing from the same hymn sheet (politics aside) and this site would then be able to offer the vendor and subbee a "standard"... And a standard i believe we all want.
Anyone not able to adhere to said standards would not be allowed to join
Elitist maybe... But what's wrong with that
Scott Reid

Springer Express Couriers said:
Well with all this dicking about it would seem very straight forward, The site either goes ring fenced with 'proper' couriers (including the forum) or it stays open to all and sundry,
However if we get clowns like the one's that quoted me the other day when I posted a job then we're doomed Captian Mainwaring
Hear Hear!

And I'll second that..
Nottingham & Derby Couriers said:
I can't believe how many members profiles state no valid GIT.
I did a quick look and out of around 15 i looked at only 3 had uploaded details.
Some of the ones i looked at are regular contributors on the forum.
RGM Courier Services said:
How come half of you on this thread don't have a valid GIT? Cant trust anyone, LOL..
This may ruffle a few more feathers
This is not a promotion or advertisement, this is fact.. Regarding shed5... GIT.. persons/business background checks... Mike who oversees S5, bless him makes these checks as standard, he does background checks on businesses/individuals to make sure that they are good for business so no worries of cowboys, which I feel is a good thing, and even though there are not as many couriers as there are on other exchanges / forums, I have peace of mind service, it certainly has its uses and more for the elitist as well.. as mike wont allow any tom dick or harry to join..
So if your thinking of using someone to do a job for you, it would be wise to check to see if they have the correct insurances in place.... or use them at your peril....
At last people thinking properly, all O/Dvrs and small companies should be made to supply all the relivant documentation before being allowed to join, Gas MC is right this is a good site but should enforce stricter rules no qualifications, experience, Bodgit and Leggit vans services/couriers "Sorry newbies", I've spent my whole life behind the wheel learning, "yes I'm getting on but can still hold my own with the best of em", I have been around the block had myself some very good and yes very bad experiences within this industry I love so dearly, Bought the big house and had the new car done well then got the S---E kicked outta me, also know what it is like to sleep in a phone box with only the clothes on my back, this industry takes no prisoners when you walk into that dealership and drive out your all singing and dancing SPRINTER with all the bells on it feels amazing, the other side of it is one that is so severe that it claims lives, We all have a duty of care to our clients and to our fellow couriers who work legally within our great industry, while the man-and-van group continue to flout all the rules and regs and break every law going and continue to get away with it WHY?????. I will tell you why because we let them, its up to all those who think that right should be rewarded and wrong should be!!!!!!!!. Me i'm still learning and hope I never stop the day I do well I guess i will finally have arrived at the last highway , the road that leads to HELL, Jesus I hope the diesel's cheap LOL
1) All new arrivals should be made to forward their dox which is to include policy for COURIER USE Hire & Reward
2) Trade references " Companies that you have worked for" or subbed out to
3) licenses " what class of vehicles are you permitted to drive" are they in date
4) Training " have you completed any training relevant to the jobs requirements" ie, CPC, NVQ, Level B.
The only other alternative is that we all go down the road and get pissed and leave it all to our Eastern European brothers who have lots of shiny new vehicles, mostly Fiats and French things with ponies on top anybody ever seen their insurances, licenses ???. just a thought from the elderly gentleman in the big white van.

After this long winded topic was anything understood or achieved. Showing you are fully insured does not guarantee any work.
BusinessBuddy said:
After this long winded topic was anything understood or achieved. Showing you are fully insured does not guarantee any work.
Correct. No substitute for trying yourself, to ensure the person you have dealings with is genuine.
I think if some of the guesswork could be sorted by the site owners, some cowboys might be excluded. This is what this discussion has been about
AJM sameday Couriers

West Coast Logistics Scotland said:
1) All new arrivals should be made to forward their dox which is to include policy for COURIER USE Hire & Reward
2) Trade references " Companies that you have worked for" or subbed out to
3) licenses " what class of vehicles are you permitted to drive" are they in date
4) Training " have you completed any training relevant to the jobs requirements" ie, CPC, NVQ, Level B.
The only other alternative is that we all go down the road and get pissed and leave it all to our Eastern European brothers who have lots of shiny new vehicles, mostly Fiats and French things with ponies on top anybody ever seen their insurances, licenses ???. just a thought from the elderly gentleman in the big white van.
You missed a few other things off you list. Age, Waist size, Medical history, Parents still alive or deceased, No of driving lessons you had and date test past, Favourite holiday destination,
Also when have you ever seen an Eastern European in a a shiny van?
BusinessBuddy said:
After this long winded topic was anything understood or achieved. Showing you are fully insured does not guarantee any work.
You are correct phil.. your not getting the work because some cowboy can charge alot cheaper and win the job, thats if the vendor hasnt done his checks and hasnt got a conscience..
AJM Couriers do you have a problem with some of the replies to this topic...
AJM sameday Couriers

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:
BusinessBuddy said:
After this long winded topic was anything understood or achieved. Showing you are fully insured does not guarantee any work.
You are correct phil.. your not getting the work because some cowboy can charge alot cheaper and win the job, thats if the vendor hasnt done his checks and hasnt got a conscience..
AJM Couriers do you have a problem with some of the replies to this topic...
Yes I do, why don't you take over the running of the site Gas man, now that you have been a member of MT Van a month, i'm sure you will qualify, you seem to think your in charge.
Calm down dears
AJM sameday Couriers

Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:
Calm down dears
Rob, i'm chilled
At the end of the day, whether you have the relevant documentation or not, if you charge too much you will not get any work.
Important as all this is, if we all price ourselves too high, then you WILL get a two tier service, a bit like Minicabs v black cabs
I has some idiot today quoting £1.40 per mile which is just plain daft
AJM... Can I ask do you have GIT Insurance? If so update it..
3D Courier Services

Scott Garner said:
But without a site official verifying certain aspects, this information is useless. I just entered the below as my insurance details and it now shows me as insured...................
Company Name : Disney
Policy Number : 2468Whodoweappreciate
Cover Amount (£'s) : 4294967295
Expiry : 10/10/2099
Much like when someone registered recently and they had their address as 'Tillet, Herts' which I believe was stolen from the comedy address for the 'Cockwell Inn'
So what does updating your insurance details prove?
Rob it also works the other way as well... if mr genuine courier is charging a low price say 80p and mister i dont give a S**t cause im doing it on the cheap and charges 50p who are going to go with?
AJM sameday Couriers

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:
AJM... Can I ask do you have GIT Insurance? If so update it..
Yes I do, nothing to do with you, I don't sub any work of here, when/if I do I will supply it email/scan it if people want to see it
There are many a few things to consider when choosing who to use, and it isn't all down to price, although that is obviously important.
1-How far from the collection 2-Price 3-Can i understand a word you're saying 4-gut feeling
If i've used you b4 then a lot of the above can be bypassed
You rarely have time to check out any details or feedback, so what i want is a website that does part of that for me.
To know a vetting procedure is in place gives me peace of mind
There are several drivers I use now where i don't ask them how much til the job is done, confident we are with eachother, and that is down to experience with dealing with them, and trust on both sides
Being the cheapest is NOT what its all about
Doing the job properly and in my time frames is
If we could stop with the war of the roses while we're at it gentlemen
Would it be right in saying these exchange sites are really for owner drivers only and companies covering jobs. Its Ok to complain about people running for more than 70p a mile but when you have employees, employee costs, insurances, accountancy fees book keepers ect you cant do it . One company on here even finds offensive names for people that quote too high I bet he does not run his own employees at the rates he expects other members to run. You can get jobs covered cheaply and thats good but its unfair to complain about proper companies that have high rates . I dont come to you people looking for work and I dont bid on your work I will offer a good price if I have a van in the area but to whom it may concern on here I am not a numpty because I do things properly and have to recoup our costs and price correctly! It would be wise to consider you choice of words when labeling people on here
S Garner Courier

Barnsley Shipping said:
It would be wise to consider you choice of words when labeling people on here
Pot, kettle...
Scott Garner said:
Barnsley Shipping said:
It would be wise to consider you choice of words when labeling people on here
Pot, kettle...
Yes if you cant beat them join them. We cant afford to run our own employees at 70p a mile but we will create a culture, an under society were we will black list and do down those that run at the same rates we would run at!
Nothing wrong with putting it on a site and getting it done cheaper than what it would cost your own team but to seek to label those that charge the same as you is beyond unacceptable
S Garner Courier

It was exactly the 'labelling' of others I was calling you on Mr. Barnsley, not your business or pricing practises! (See most other threads you've commented on)
Where its due! I dont think I have called other members idiots or numtys. Think about it I call you a fool on here you then have the same platform to rightly so give me some abuse back! Then some poor timid sole that does not comment on here quotes on a job then suddenly a couple of days later sees that he is refered to as an idiot or a numpty just for quoting on a job
Could I remind those that seem to have lost what exchange sites are all about that there is a TRADE PRICE and when quoting this is the price we're looking for... To that end it does mean that most exchange sites are for OD's AND those companies that have a driver "going that way" anyway and/or "coming back empty"
Its not rocket science but some seem to have completely missed what it is exchange sites are about
No one is asking you to run your drivers at 70 p per mile BUT if you have a driver in say London going back to Barnsley empty then 70p per mile IS viable. The alternative is go back empty which is just plain silly
If you have a job to London and there is one going to london from your neck of the woods then yes you CAN afford to run a t 70 p per mile
The fact that you don't suggests you just don't get it, or you're too lazy to try and maximise what your drivers can do
And anyone quoting £1.40 per mile for a small van job clearly doesn't get it either
Very true but that don't make him an idiot!
3D Courier Services

It would seem that some members, and might I say they are usually non pro members, that state that they do not post work on here or sub work from here, have a different idea of what exchange sites are for.
S Garner Courier

Bob, you continually bash 'newbies' and anyone who doesn't agree with you. You stated that people who start up a business with their redundancy money are fools and should stick to a PAYE job. So yes you do exactly what you're saying you don't!
S Garner Courier

Anyway, we seem to have gone off topic...........The first post.....
idcouriersolutions said:
Should the site make it mandatory to provide git, liability and commericial vehicle courier insurances before activating memberships as other trade sites do would it succeed in stopping tom dick and harry signing up and restore faith?
I agree and would also like to see the site vetting this information and also some way of vetting the Courier Companies/Subbers/Vendors (whatever you want to call them, politely of course). Not to guarantee that you will get paid, but at least to give you confidence that you can trace the subber should you need to in case of a dispute.
Personally carring on with this is a waste of keyboard time, As scott and steve has pointed out you can put any old details in and it will show up.. so this is a pointless task..
But I do know scott is properly insured as he is a mbr of Shed5
Can we stay on the thread please...
Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:
Could I remind those that seem to have lost what exchange sites are all about that there is a TRADE PRICE and when quoting this is the price we're looking for... To that end it does mean that most exchange sites are for OD's AND those companies that have a driver "going that way" anyway and/or "coming back empty"
Its not rocket science but some seem to have completely missed what it is exchange sites are about
No one is asking you to run your drivers at 70 p per mile BUT if you have a driver in say London going back to Barnsley empty then 70p per mile IS viable. The alternative is go back empty which is just plain silly
If you have a job to London and there is one going to london from your neck of the woods then yes you CAN afford to run a t 70 p per mile
The fact that you don't suggests you just don't get it, or you're too lazy to try and maximise what your drivers can do
And anyone quoting £1.40 per mile for a small van job clearly doesn't get it either
Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:
Can we stay on the thread please
We're all after the same thing, and that is to be able to trust that
A) all subbies have relevant cover and nous to do the job professionally B) the vendor has he means to pay said subby for the work carried out
That's what this thread is about NOT rates or quotes
There's plenty of other posts to vent your spleen on that one

I am fully open to vetting as long as she is totally gorgeous.
Scott Garner said:
Bob, you continually bash 'newbies' and anyone who doesn't agree with you. You stated that people who start up a business with their redundancy money are fools and should stick to a PAYE job. So yes you do exactly what you're saying you don't!
That exactly what I say Scot and I stick by it because 80 % of them never make it but thats of topic
S Garner Courier

Barnsley Shipping said:
That exactly what I say Scot and I stick by it because 80 % of them never make it but thats of topic
So by your own rule of 'It would be wise to consider you choice of words when labeling people on here'. I can assume that you have up to date official government statistics to support the figure of 80%
Scott Garner said:
Barnsley Shipping said:
That exactly what I say Scot and I stick by it because 80 % of them never make it but thats of topic
So by your own rule of 'It would be wise to consider you choice of words when labeling people on here'. I can assume that you have up to date official government statistics to support the figure of 80%
Unfortunatly Scott I think you will find that the government don't keep a record of failed couriers just failed businesses
Website Admin

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:
Personally carring on with this is a waste of keyboard time, As scott and steve has pointed out you can put any old details in and it will show up.. so this is a pointless task..
But I do know scott is properly insured as he is a mbr of Shed5
It is not. Just because that is where we are now does not mean we will stay with that setup and not improve on it. Fill in your details to the best of your ability and we will work on ways to make that information less of a waste of time.

Ok Admin might be good to close this now.
It would be a good idea to leave it open phil..
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