Back room systems

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Go Transport (ADR)

Original Poster

Hi all looking for a new operational system that ties in with a website. If anyone could recommend someone that would be great.


Mark Ltd


Hi Mark

Check this out if you want something off the shelf and free.


Go Transport (ADR)

Original Poster

Hi Tim,

Thanks for that. I don't currently have a website and looking to get something that would be integrated together. Do you have anything like that?

Thanks Ltd


Definitely, I'll call you tomorrow.

Go Transport (ADR)

Original Poster


Schofields Couriers


Tim how do you send a price back to person cant seem to figure it out

Go Transport (ADR)

Original Poster

Hi Tim,

Sorry I missed your call today. If you are free between 08.00-09.00 tomorrow morning please call me.


Mark Ltd


Hi Ian, you get a list of the enquiries in Manage Customers, so you can contact them. Ltd


Mark, I'll call you, thanks. Ltd


Here's a slightly better answer to Ian's question, now I'm back at my desk:

The system allows a customer or potential customer to sign up and enter a request for a quote. This basically means they sign up as a customer, and book a job.

You can see it working here:

Feel free to try it all out. You can freely use it to try signing in as a customer and booking a job.

Customers appear as a customer of DemoCourierCo here:

Their job appears as a booking on DemoCourierCo's control screen unallocated jobs here:

You can log in to that if you like to see the bookings. Txt me on 07725 750103 for username/password, telling me who you are.

If you install this system on your own website, when they book, you can call the customer or email them to give a price, and/or to confirm the booking. If confirmed, you can put the job out for offers by other members, or allocate it to a courier.

The customer can log in again and again to book, or to see the list of jobs/quotes they have booked.

Parcel Cabs


I put the script on, and get this Booking system not enabled for this domain.

Help! Ltd


On the page where you copied the script, it asked you to enter your website address. This must be the same as the website you are putting the script into.

Ie the same domain name e.g. in my case.

Website Admin


Parcel Cabs said:

I put the script on, and get this Booking system not enabled for this domain.


Your website is not as you have entered on mtvan. I suspect that is what is messing it up for you. Ltd


And in your case.

Enter this data, and do the copy and paste again, and it should work.

When you have it working, please paste the page url into this thread for others to see it working. Ltd


I see it's working now. Adds a real something to your website.

Not bad for 10 minutes work :)

Parcel Cabs


All great now thanks, I put in the www. Before my domain name, took it out and it worked fine - Lets see what the clients think, hope they use it - Colin

Edited by Admin to add the link to Colin's Site:

Beeline Couriers UK


I'm interested in adding this to my website but I've a yellow background. Is it possible to make the whiteness of the booking form invisible for the yellow to come through? I've done an experiment and it doesn't look right having a white form onto yellow.

Website Admin


Beeline Couriers said:

I'm interested in adding this to my website but I've a yellow background. Is it possible to make the whiteness of the booking form invisible for the yellow to come through? I've done an experiment and it doesn't look right having a white form onto yellow.

Right now it's not, but I understand your problem. I hate ugly stuff and I agree it wouldn't look right. I'll see where we can improve on this.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers


I can see this is a good idea, but as mentioned in a previous thread by Rob postcode bookings this could be open to abuse, especially when the client gives full details.

Plus booking through the system does not guareentee that it will be covered, which could leave you in the poo.

I know I dont have to use it, but I find that the personal communication/touch is the key to any sale.

Also I have thought about this one, as a member/vendor what stopping MTVan charging for this service as part of the membership in the future? Just my concerns Tim

3D Courier Services


Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

I can see this is a good idea, but as mentioned in a previous thread by Rob postcode bookings this could be open to abuse, especially when the client gives full details.

Plus booking through the system does not guarantee that it will be covered, which could leave you in the poo."

It doesn't go live on site, only the member concerned gets the notification who then has the option to process as he sees fit!

Website Admin


Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

I can see this is a good idea, but as mentioned in a previous thread by Rob postcode bookings this could be open to abuse, especially when the client gives full details.

You could edit the job, or maybe we could make a change to only show partial postcodes.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

Plus booking through the system does not guareentee that it will be covered, which could leave you in the poo.

This is why the booking form says 'get quote' rather than 'book job' as it implies that you will need to get in touch to confirm.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

I know I dont have to use it, but I find that the personal communication/touch is the key to any sale.

You would have to contact the customer, I would what we offer as lead genration and/or a facility for your regular customers.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

Also I have thought about this one, as a member/vendor what stopping MTVan charging for this service as part of the membership in the future? Just my concerns Tim

What's to stop anyone charging for any tool you use? If it was majorly unpopular to do so and resulted in large numbers of people stopping using our stuff then clearly we wouldn't do this. If we did add it to our PRO membership (I am not saying we are!), if you really thought it was a good tool then you'd think it'd be worth the outlay.

Website Admin


3D Courier Services said:

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

I can see this is a good idea, but as mentioned in a previous thread by Rob postcode bookings this could be open to abuse, especially when the client gives full details.

Plus booking through the system does not guarantee that it will be covered, which could leave you in the poo."

It doesn't go live on site, only the member concerned gets the notification who then has the option to process as he sees fit!

^^^ This.

If you're a courier then the main intended use would be for your customers to book with you (and for you to get/do the work). Being able to open a job for bids is a bonus.

3D Courier Services


Admin, as it stands it clearly needs a lot of refinement before it could be classed as "a good tool"

Website Admin


3D Courier Services said:

Admin, as it stands it clearly needs a lot of refinement before it could be classed as "a good tool"

Sure, but if it's any good to you depends also on what you want :)

3D Courier Services


A couple of points, I think all the drop down boxes should not have defaults, just "select" with the options underneath and these should be mandatory so they cannot be ignored. Also, comments is usually ignored but should contain some information about the goods, i. E. Size, weight, description etc. This goes for the mtvan booking form as well. Vendors are always complaining about the asap delivery date being today's date, by default, when it may well be tomorrow! With no way to edit.

ZENITH Courier Services


I think it's great.

My only recommendation would be to make it compulsory for customers to leave their phone number, as i've had a few time wasters who don't reply to emails, or do reply but too late.

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