courier insurance companies

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3T Deliveries

Original Poster

Ok so ive been getting qoutes of £1700 for courier insurance and am thinking i can do better, so if you got a cracking deal let me know name of company and ill ring them


Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Have you tried Light Haulage as opposed to Courier Insurance. Think you'll find a major difference...and completely ligit

Nottingham & Derby Couriers


Try the comparision sites as some now list courier, and hire and reward.

EDB Couriers


I found coversure to be quite competitive, as much as the comparison sites say hire and reward the broker/insurers they search do not.... Be caerfull what you buy as if you think your covered and get stopped by the police and your not they can take your vehicle off you and give you 6 points on your licence...

3T Deliveries

Original Poster

yep tried light haulage but it only covers your for a set number of parcels per day, go over that limit and your uninsured.

had a look at the compare websites but they just want your details to ring you and try to sell you insurance for everything, had 4 today for home



I am sure this insurance debate will last for years. People have their own views on personal securities. For my peace of mind I will contact VOSA because we all know if we are involved in an accident insurance companies will find any tiny loophole to wriggle out of a payout.

Happy motoring.

3T Deliveries

Original Poster

its ok i have found insurance from coversure, all in it only cost me £1300, i bit thier hands off,lol

Coversure Insurance


Hi my name [snip].

Thanks 3T deliveries, and I am glad we could be of service.
It is true what EDB Couriers has said. Unfortunately Courier Insurance premiums are on the increase, and as a result, more and more people are turning to comparison websites. The problem with this is a lot of people are getting inadequate insurance cover by trying to pass for light haulage,and are only looking for the cost at the end of the quotation.
Speaking with a broker, who has knowledge of the insurance industry and can give you advice can be very beneficial. [removed advert] 

MM Deerin Transport


Contact number for paul at coversure please

Barnsley Shipping


I would also like to add should you end up in a crash with incorrect insurance your policy will be invalide , Do you really want that to happen ,Do you really want to pay for a crippled person to live the rest of their life do you have a spare 8 million. Its no good saying it wont happen to me it might ..You do after all spend your life on the road

If you are foolish enough to run at low rates and you cant afford proper insurance then why do you jack it in and get a job as your just undercutting those of us that do things proprley and actully uderstand the consequences of complete foolishness

Coversure Insurance


Well said Barnsy Shipping, I could not agree more. I do not understand people who would take incorrect Insurance cover and expect to be covered if they have a claim, just because they have a certificate of insurance in their possession. But unfortunately, this is happening and this is why premiums are increasing.

Hi MM Deerin Transport. My contact number is in my profile. Just click on my name. I look forward to talking to you.

RGM Courier Services


Arent you missing something here? Why is coversure on here adverting their insurance?? This is supposed to be a courier exchange site!! What next? Citroen advertising their vans??



What next adverts on facebook?

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


You took the words outa my mouth.....not happy

Website Admin


If you click on his link to profile you'll see he has been removed, shortly after signing up (where he confirmed he was a courier/courier company).

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Clever tho you gotta hand it to him

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