mtvan Profile of the Day

Posted in General Discussion.Skip To Latest Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day is:


We strongly recommend completing your Profile, to make others happier to call you.

You can see your own Profile by going to the Profile Page link at the top of your Newsfeed.

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

Is your Profile complete enough to be a Profile of the Day? Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day really is:

A E Delivery

We strongly recommend completing your Profile, to make others happier to call you.

You can see your own Profile by going to the Profile Page link at the top of your

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

Is your Profile complete enough to be a Profile of the Day?

Mr G Courier Service


And tomorrows courier of the week is -Mr g courier service- For thankfully pointing out yesterdays admin mistake Ltd

Original Poster

I'll add you to the list. Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day is:

Clarkes Haulage

We strongly recommend completing your Profile, to make others happier to call you.

You can see your own Profile by going to the Profile Page link at the top of your Dashboard.

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

Is your Profile complete enough to be a Profile of the Day? Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day is:

Mahsons Couriers

We strongly recommend completing your Profile, to make others happier to call you.

You can see your own Profile by going to the Profile Page link at the top of your Dashboard.

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

Is your Profile complete enough to be a Profile of the Day? If so, please let us know, and we'll add you to the list. Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day is:

PCS Transport

We strongly recommend completing your Profile, to make others happier to call you.

You can see your own Profile by going to the Profile Page link at the top of your Dashboard.

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

Is your Profile complete enough to be a Profile of the Day?

You'll need at least a photo, a description, and insurance details. A website link and a landline would also help.

If so, please let us know, and we'll add you to the list. Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day is:

Chrysalis Couriers

We strongly recommend completing your Profile, to make others happier to call you.

You can see your own Profile by going to the Profile Page link at the top of your Dashboard.

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

Is your Profile complete enough to be a Profile of the Day?

You'll need at least a photo, a description, and insurance details. A website link and a landline also help if you have them. And make sure you're address checks out on Google Maps.

If so, please let us know, and we'll add you to the list. Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day is:

Priority Freight (Midlands) Ltd

We strongly recommend completing your Profile, to make others happier to call you.

You can see your own Profile by going to the Profile Page link at the top of your Dashboard.

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

Is your Profile complete enough to be a Profile of the Day?

You'll need at least a photo, a description, and insurance details. A website link and a landline also help if you have them. And make sure you're address checks out on Google Maps.

If so, please let us know, and we'll add you to the list.

RGM Courier Services


Is it a requirement to get Profile of the Day that you don't have a valid GIT displayed?



RGM Courier Services said:

Is it a requirement to get Profile of the Day that you don't have a valid GIT displayed?

If that's the case I might remove mine lol

RGM Courier Services


ie. Priority Freight.

RGM Courier Services


Good thought! Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day is:

Speed Masters Couriers Ltd

We strongly recommend completing your Profile, to make others happier to call you.

You can see your own Profile by going to the Profile Page link at the top of your Dashboard.

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

Is your Profile complete enough to be a Profile of the Day?

You'll need at least a photo, a description, and insurance details. A website link and a landline also help if you have them. And make sure you're address checks out on Google Maps.

If so, please let us know, and we'll add you to the list.



RGM Courier Services said:

ie. Priority Freight.

Priority Freight is a freight forwarder, they would be asking to see your GIT insurance if you work for them not the other way around. Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day is:

Parkway Express Couriers

We strongly recommend completing your Profile, to make others happier to call you.

You can see your own Profile by going to the Profile Page link at the top of your Dashboard.

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

Is your Profile complete enough to be a Profile of the Day?

You'll need at least a photo, a description, and insurance details. A website link and a landline also help if you have them. And make sure you're address checks out on Google Maps.

If so, please let us know, and we'll add you to the list.

AJM sameday Couriers

3440 Ltd said:

Today’s Profile of the Day is:

Parkway Express Couriers

We strongly recommend completing your Profile, to make others happier to call you.

You can see your own Profile by going to the Profile Page link at the top of your Dashboard.

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

Is your Profile complete enough to be a Profile of the Day?

You'll need at least a photo, a description, and insurance details. A website link and a landline also help if you have them. And make sure you're address checks out on Google Maps.

If so, please let us know, and we'll add you to the list.

Well done Phill, bottle of Taittinger on its way upto to you.



Don't worry Gary, I am sure your name will be up in lights soon!


AJM sameday Couriers



Don't worry Gary, I am sure your name will be up in lights soon!


Thanks Alan, but somehow I don't think so, Jerremy Hawke before me. Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day is:

Forth Sameday Couriers

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

We strongly recommend that you should show at least a photo, a description, and your GIT insurance details. A website link and a landline also help if you have them. And make sure you're address checks out on Google Maps. All of this makes people happier to call you.

If you need any help, let us know.

3D Courier Services


This really is a farce isn't it? Just been checking some of these "Profile of the Day". Some of the profiles have no insurance details, some have incomplete addresses and the most annoying one, every service type available! How many time have I rung members who state they have a bike or a small van only to be told "no, I have a sprinter but I can do bike and small van work". We are not thick, we all know a bike load will fit in a sprinter but I want a bike I want a bike. Seems like "profile of the day" is just a lucky dip!



3D Courier Services said:

This really is a farce isn't it? Just been checking some of these "Profile of the Day". Some of the profiles have no insurance details, some have incomplete addresses and the most annoying one, every service type available! How many time have I rung members who state they have a bike or a small van only to be told "no, I have a sprinter but I can do bike and small van work". We are not thick, we all know a bike load will fit in a sprinter but I want a bike I want a bike. Seems like "profile of the day" is just a lucky dip!

Agreed Ltd

Original Poster

This really is a farce isn't it?

I think the important thing that we are aiming to get across is that there are 100s of owner drivers and companies on mtvan who are actively involved in courier work, and who have gone to the (30 minutes or so) trouble of completing their own profile.

We strongly recommend everyone should go to this trouble, and we are busy weeding out those who can't be arsed, so they won't appear on the directory, as previously discussed.

We 100% agree that owner drivers shouldn't check every vehicle type, as it's unhelpful to vendors. They should check the boxes they actually have the vehicles for.

We hope you'll point that out to them when you call.

It's likely that there will be a website solution soon for this, but in the meantime, if you are an owner driver, please ensure that you have checked only the services that you actually have the vehicles to cover, as that's what courier companies want to see. Ltd

Original Poster

Today’s Profile of the Day is:

PGR Couriers

You can make changes and upload a picture and insurance documents to your own Profile by going to the Account link.

We strongly recommend that you should show at least a photo, a description, and your GIT insurance details. A website link and a landline also help if you have them. And make sure you're address checks out on Google Maps. All of this makes people happier to call you, which means more business.

If you need any help, let us know. Ltd

Original Poster

Here's a good one:

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd

Address confirmation sent 01/03/14.

And good feedback too.


5507 Ltd said:

Here's a good one:

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd

Address confirmation sent 01/03/14.

And good feedback too.

Thank you. The way I see it, first impressions is everything.

AJM sameday Couriers


East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said: Ltd said:

Here's a good one:

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd

Address confirmation sent 01/03/14.

And good feedback too.

Thank you. The way I see it, first impressions is everything.

That will sit well on your cv Darren recognised Worldwide.



How much did you pay for them kind words Darren... Ltd

Original Poster

More great feedback, this time for Beeline Couriers.

RGM Courier Services


MyVanCan said:

RGM Courier Services said:

ie. Priority Freight.

Priority Freight is a freight forwarder, they would be asking to see your GIT insurance if you work for them not the other way around.

Says on their profile that they're a courier company. If they were a Freight Forwarder they should be putting"GIT not required" They can see my GIT anytime they want to.



RGM Courier Services said:

MyVanCan said:

RGM Courier Services said:

ie. Priority Freight.

Priority Freight is a freight forwarder, they would be asking to see your GIT insurance if you work for them not the other way around.

Says on their profile that they're a courier company. If they were a Freight Forwarder they should be putting"GIT not required" They can see my GIT anytime they want to.

I saw one the drivers from Priority Freight on the ferry to Belfast about a week ago



AJM sameday Couriers said:

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said: Ltd said:

Here's a good one:

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd

Address confirmation sent 01/03/14.

And good feedback too.

Thank you. The way I see it, first impressions is everything.

That will sit well on your cv Darren recognised Worldwide.

It certainly will. lol

Mr G Courier Service


AJM sameday Couriers said:

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said: Ltd said:

Here's a good one:

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd

Address confirmation sent 01/03/14.

And good feedback too.

Thank you. The way I see it, first impressions is everything.

That will sit well on your cv Darren recognised Worldwide.

A first impression is everything or first impressions Are everything



RGM Courier Services said:

MyVanCan said:

RGM Courier Services said:

ie. Priority Freight.

Priority Freight is a freight forwarder, they would be asking to see your GIT insurance if you work for them not the other way around.

Says on their profile that they're a courier company. If they were a Freight Forwarder they should be putting"GIT not required" They can see my GIT anytime they want to.

I would guess that's what it says if you don't bother filling in your profile. Priority Freight don't put work through exchanges, they only use them to contact owner drivers in the areas they need. They've called me several times although I've only been able to do one job for them so far. Ltd

Original Poster

A recently joined member Just in Time Couriers Ltd in Tamworth.

Website and Confirmed Address both help to build trust.

You can confirm your address here:

Beeline Couriers UK

1909 Ltd said:

More great feedback, this time for Beeline Couriers.

Only just noticed this. Thanks. :)

AJM sameday Couriers


Beeline Couriers said: Ltd said:

More great feedback, this time for Beeline Couriers.

Only just noticed this. Thanks. :)

Hey hey hey like erm, now your living in Scouse land your getting some recognition.

Beeline Couriers UK


AJM sameday Couriers said:

Beeline Couriers said: Ltd said:

More great feedback, this time for Beeline Couriers.

Only just noticed this. Thanks. :)

Hey hey hey like erm, now your living in Scouse land your getting some recognition.

LOL, it's not too bad living in Scouse land either! ;) Ltd

Original Poster

We think it's important to show a pic of your actual van, or yourself, or a logo, so we like this one:

Harrison Couriers

3D Courier Services

25600 Ltd said:

We think it's important to show a pic of your actual van, or yourself, or a logo, so we like this one:

Harrison Couriers

It's ok but, once again, look at the service types available! Would the heading be better as Vehicles available? Ltd

Original Poster

It's ok but, once again, look at the service types available! Would the heading be better as Vehicles available?

We will find a solution to that. Ltd

Original Poster

S D Parcel Express is today's POTD.

Website, logo, good feedback, good description, insurance details, confirmed address, lots of position updates (not using Post Empty, though?) and a single unambiguous vehicle type.

You can update your own Profile to make it as good as this one, starting at Account in the top right hand corner.

Mr G Courier Service


And the profile of the day today ... Was from last Thursday!!

Richard I f you dont have time to post daily, change to profile of the year? Ltd

Original Poster

Busy. No reason why you can't post one, as long as it meets the criteria.

Your own, even?

Mr G Courier Service


At mtvans kind suggestion i have decided to be "courier of the week"

link text

I genuinely only have the vehicles listed.

My insurance is up to date and can be inspected on request

You can subscribe free of charge to my text service if you wish .. But if you don't i wont tell you where i am

If you wish to feel the G-Force then please contact me on my listed number

AJM sameday Couriers


Mr G Courier service- I take it personally said:

At mtvans kind suggestion i have decided to be "courier of the week"

link text

I genuinely only have the vehicles listed.

My insurance is up to date and can be inspected on request

You can subscribe free of charge to my text service if you wish .. But if you don't i wont tell you where i am

If you wish to feel the G-Force then please contact me on my listed number

Well done I think you deserve a bunch of flowers, at least give yourself a pat on the back (if your arms are long enough)



Mr G Courier service- I take it personally said:

At mtvans kind suggestion i have decided to be "courier of the week"

Is this any sort of award you can put on yer website?

Mr G Courier Service


You mean you never noticed? Ltd

Original Poster

And while we're on the subject of the kind of people you find on mtvan nowadays:

  • Small Van.
  • Claiming only the van size/type he actually has.
  • Insured.
  • Useful Picture.
  • Good Description.
  • Postal address confirmed recently.
  • Posts Empty regularly.
  • Last spoken to by mtvan February 2014.

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