i see we seem to be going through a similar problem to as i did with this site listed a small van job last month only one courier alerted picking up out of b70 which i'm sure there's more than one courier in birmingham on this site with a small van, today i've posted another job mwb - lwb transit & have only received one bid out of 69 alerts sent out. what's happening admin.??? i've listed the job on another site aswell & so far received 6-7 offers not to even mention the cx which i've not even posted the job on to it as of yet.
i like this site & wish to continue posting job's on here that i can't cover my self but if i keep getting problems like i am at the mo seriously don't see the point in renewing my subscription.
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point2point uk couriers ltd


Is that the job as i bid on and got no reply to say yes or no
point2point uk couriers ltd

yes mate reason for no reply your price was to high but it was yourself & one other that put in a price,
job never came of yesterday but is on for tomomrow & just sold it on the cx thanks for putting in your offer.
must admit I posted a job and got no replies,
point2point uk couriers ltd

at times this site can really get rather annoying when posting job's & getting no reply's despite the amount of alerts it sends out, what makes it worse is i actually like this site but only down fall is not getting jobs covered, how ever stick it on the cx & you get inundated with calls within minutes, i even stuck the same job on freight alerts which a very rare for me as i don't really trust the site well the drivers on there atleast even on there i'd had a few more calls.
it's like banging your head against a brick wall on here at times & just as i was enjoying posting the odd job on here i end up back to square one again.
Me too posted a few with zero replies.
I have looked for couriers near to a collection points and when i search the directory i find couriers who signed up months or even years ago and they haven't bothered to add anything about themselves, what vehicles the use or even basic address details, There's no way i could use these couriers.
Maybe there should be a cull of dead wood so to speak and a mandatory update of relevant details..
Just a thought
point2point uk couriers ltd

must agree with you there simon maybe the site needs a clean up of the dead wood on here, it's ok calling a driver near collection point but when you post a job with intention of getting a price of em in order to price your own customer with the cheapest possible quote you can give em & you get no calls it's hardly very professional although i normally give em a set price but like to every now again offer them a alternative in order for them to come back to me knowing i've provided them with a competitive price.
I'm only on here to read the forums.
Does it do anything else well ?
RGM Courier Services

I agree, the forums are the best part. Ive only had 2 jobs off bere despite putting bids in with no replies.
12 jobs to cover yesterday and all covered within minutes of posting them on cx
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