Courier work

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Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

I think we need a distinction to what a Courier actually means

Moving Ebay items for naff all is not Courier Work...doing removals or house clearances is not Courier Work...multi dropping is not courier work

Courier work is the art of collecting urgent goods from one location and delivering it asap to its destination....and doing it in a polite manner, in a clean newish van, with proper insurance and who keeps the vendor in touch with any issues enroute AND a courier knows roughly where somewhere is without having to look it up on a satnav.

I'm gettin a tad p'eed off with people buyin a satnav having a mobile and calling themselves a courier....a proper courier is so much more than that....look at the forums slagging off the latest cocked up job and you'll see what i mean

Its time this industry got regulated, got back to decent rates, and stopped cowboys f*****g things up...and I include the Big Boys when I say this.

I now await the expected abuse

3D Courier Services


I'm with you Rob. Well said.

Manadon Despatch


Don't forget to tell those life style people that work for the likes of Hermes and Yodel cos they is under the sad misapprehension that they is couriers too.

Manadon Despatch


And most of 'em are also convinced that they don't need courier insurance either.

ams courier services


Very well said, I'm getting sick of quoting for subbie work and not getting the job because I am charging the going rate for a small van, these so called couriers out there are killing the industry working for 50p per mile, there should be a price capping rule of some kind, I know a lot of these "couriers" are doing 2 or 3 jobs at the same time so it's down to the company's to ask there eta and how long before they can pick up etc. somebody did a job for me the other week saying they were 30 minutes away from collecting, 2 hrs later they finally collected it!! My customer was fuming to say the least as was I!!



If these 'clowns' who mess things up are NOT given any more work, they will hopefully very soon go out of business.  

All of my vehicles are tracked and this certainly enables us to keep the customer informed.

Maybe [and it's just an idea] the subber ought to provide some sort of tracking to the person he takes work off ?   Plenty of options nowadays like 'Glympse' or Lattitude etc.   

Some so called couriers, really have no conception of how important communication is.  It may not be their own customer, but never the less they are paying good money for a premium service, so do not deserve their goods being held up by some idiot trying to maximise his own profit by taking on multi jobs etc.  

Barnsley Shipping


I dont think there is actully anything that can be done .

I was given more small van work last year from one of the big companies because we promise reliability and I gaurd and tresure this work as I know in the past I would not have been giving this amount of priority and be right at the to of the list .

I have a  Sprinter a combo and a transit flat bed I drive ,my son drives and my brother also steps in and we make sure we get it right !

We basiclly have this work because everybody else is totally useless and I blame one thing only tax credits !!!.

When I was bringing up kids we never had tax credits these lazy sod now only have to work a few hours a week and there money is made up so it does not matter who they let down as there will alway be promised money

HSP Couriers LTD


Not to worry andy, im just about to call you for a job to rh12, and it pays more than the "going rate" as does all the work you've carried out for us

ams courier services


Thanks for that H, I have no complaints working for you, very professional and the best payer I have worked for, keep up the good work ;-)



What on earth is 'going rate'   lol

No such thing!

If someone is happy with one price, one can guarantee someone else won't be.


HSP Couriers LTD


like it or not, there are "going rates" for trade work or ball park rates.

GH Transport Scotland


I am quite new to the industry compared to most of you, but rite now there is 1 company in particular in  my area that are just cutting every ones throat, doing jobs for stupid money, and this isn't only on auction sites. 

I had a customer who I have went way out my way to help on more than 1 occasion tell me today my rates were no longer acceptable. This "courier company" took a job that was worth £150 (customer was more than happy with that and I made a bit ) and done it for £40. Now they made a total mess of it (over four hours late I was told) but customer comes back to me and says that although they made a complete piss of it that I am ripping them off at £150 and they will offer me £60 as they know I get the job done, but original rate is out of question now as they know what it can get done for. 

I explained back load rate etc and basically that I could take a little off but that £60 was not ever an option (decent distance involved) so that's me lost regular work but it's better than working for negatives. 

rant over

AJM sameday Couriers


I could get more per mile 8/9 years ago than I can today & fuel is 70% more expensive, yet an holiday I booked at the same time if I booked at todays prices is 80%  more expensive but people are more than willing to pay, if there wasnt all these so called newbies entering this game then things would be a lot better.

Doo Moves


Trouble is you are always going to get "Newbies" like it or not , people are always going to give it a go, right or wrong, hopefully these who do a rubbish job will go bankrupt and make you guys look wonderful, but bottom line is the industry will always have Newbies otherwise who will do this job when we are all retired lol ....

I Understand where you are coming from Mr Speed I really do and maybe I shouldnt call myself a courier because i do all of those you mention, I do removals , well small Moves in my van and contract into Pickfords using there 40ft trucks as and when required, I also do a bit of work for Interlink covering there holiday / busy days , I have several customers i do next day stuff for or they book me in advance for deliveries , why because i get there items there in one piece and give there customers a great service, with regular text / email updates. 
I also use these auction sites to fill my van up and get loads for my return, and not at stupid cheap rates but a rate I feel worthy.

But then i do same day or next day for a large builders merchant and a Major Electrical Store and several other smaller companys in my area, in fact i have just got in after receiving an urgent call from one of them who need some fencing in Market Harbour tomorrow Morning.

So I dont know I have all the relevant Insurance and some, I conduct myself in a professionally Manor , im fully Uniformed My Van is Clean but not new , I bend over backwards to get the job done , 
But because im proactive and not willing to sit around in the hope i will get some same day deliveries Im not too be classified as a courier ??   

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

No, frankly I don't think you can. A haulier for sure.

To suggest we "sit around" waiting for jobs is not quite what its about...sure its reactive rather than proactive, but a good controller will look for double ups, return journeys, and make sure he always say yes to every call he gets, cos that's what his customer wants..availability.
Newbies don't destroy this business....idiots destroy it....and complacency by longstanding Courier Companies who have forgotten what they're doing and how to do it.

Doo Moves


Sorry , didnt mean to come across that you or anyone else sits around waiting for jobs, i purely ment myself, I cant sit around in the hope that I may get some sameday jobs every day , I cant afford to sit around im afraid, hopefully in time as i build up the business i will be able too move more towards just doing same day, 

but for know to survive i have to do what i do, and if that is not good enough to be on these sites and be part of the courier network then i wont waste any more time. 

Doo Moves


Sorry , didnt mean to come across that you or anyone else sits around waiting for jobs, i purely ment myself, I cant sit around in the hope that I may get some sameday jobs every day , I cant afford to sit around im afraid, hopefully in time as i build up the business i will be able too move more towards just doing same day, 

but for know to survive i have to do what i do, and if that is not good enough to be on these sites and be part of the courier network then i wont waste any more time. 

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

I think you're missing my point....I don't care what you call yourself, Wot I am saying is there are drivers out there who are screwing up cos they don't understand what it is that's expected of them.

I put a pick up time and if you can't pick it up in that time frame then I don't expect you to quote...or if you do, to be honest about what time you're looking at for the collection...I can then decide whether to use you or not....if you get stuck in traffic and that delay will affect the delivery time then I expect a call so we can advice the client and/or make alternative arrangements, such as a new address.
I don't want a running commentary, but i do want a bit of common sense.
Some "Couriers" who should know better are getting lazy or worse...just don't care, and some haven't got a clue from the start...both types need a slap with a wet fish (preferably with an iron bar hidden within)

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

And the trouble with the over use of the word "Courier" is it's confusing for Joe Bloggs...and fills up Exchange sites with shite.

I don't want Ebayers ringing me....we are a Sameday clear can I be?
You all know what a chauffeur is....would you ring one of those to pick you up from the pub and take you home?'d use a taxi.....and if you wanted to really get a buzz you'd ring a minicab and risk death
Weekly shop at, Tescos or shite Aldi
See wot i'm sayin?

3D Courier Services


I really have to take you to task there.  There's nowt wrong with Aldi!!

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

I'm sure not all Doctors call themselves brain surgeons....they all specialise in woteva they do, you wouldn't go to a gyno with a sore big toe would you?....and before you say it, I've not got a problem with anyone that works at Aldi's or shops there....but you know the distinction between them and harrods....and you shop according to your budget.

Is a postman a Courier? neither are Pickfords...but they deliver goods?
Bin men?..they collect goods

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

A Courier collects an urgent package, box, pallet ,whatever asap and delivers it asap

AJM sameday Couriers


I have to agree with the above comment.

Doo Moves


Lol did i say Pickfords where couriers ummm nope :) all i was saying was i do some work for them too keep busy, which is got to be better than sitting on here whinning its quiet, I was Just pointing out I do all kinds of work as well as courier work, you started this thread of saying if you do removals , ebay , etc your not a courier, 

I have always respect your view on here and always will , But But the definition of a courier is much greater than just same day Urgent Parcels , is just so happiness this is the field you specialise in and looks like you do a dam good job at it.But Just for example if one of your customers ring on a Monday and say Mr speed we are going to need to have a parcel collected on Wednesday at 8am and Delivered asap that day, your going to say sorry can you ring me Wednesday ?? 

Its a shame you have had some unfornate dealings with some subbies recently but theres no need to assume we are all useless just because we do other types of courier work, I take Pride in what i do. and to date im proud to say I have never had a complaint :) 

Nottingham & Derby Couriers


The Dictionary says!!!!


   [kur-ee-er, koor-] Show IPA
a messenger, usually traveling in haste, bearing urgent news, important reports or packages, diplomatic messages, etc.
any means of carrying news, messages, etc., regularly.
the conveyance used by a courier, as an airplane or ship.
Chiefly British . a tour guide for a travel agency.

Doo Moves


Very good but you missed the Verb Part 

courier Pronunciation: /ˈkʊrɪə/
Translate courier into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish
Definition of courier
1a company or employee of a company that transports commercial packages and documents:
the cheque was dispatched by courier
[as modifier]:
a courier service
a messenger for an underground or espionage organization:
a courier disguised as a commercial traveller
2chiefly British a person employed to guide and assist a group of tourists:
he worked as a courier on a package holiday to Majorca
[with object]
send (goods or documents) by courier:
your order can be couriered to you in three days

late Middle English (denoting a person sent to run with a message): originally from Old French coreor; later from French courier (now courrier), from Ita

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

Woh....hang on there...i haven't slagged you off....we do plenty of pre booked...but its still sameday isn't it...regardless of when it was rang thru....I am pointing out that a Courier is at the Premium end of the service....and to classify anyone that moves goods as a courier only confuses people...there's Couriers, and there's Carriers

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

And i make it as simple as i can...I even help by putting "sameday couriers" on the website, sales blumph etc etc

Doo Moves


Lol ,and no you have not upset me directly :) I understand where your coming from buddy , and all im saying is some of us do all the things you said in your first post but can still deliver a great courier service, I have prob miss read what you have wrote or the way it comes across thats all :) A majority of what i do is pre booked, but collected and delivered the same day.




"I am pointing out that a Courier is at the Premium end of the service....and to classify anyone that moves goods as a courier only confuses people...there's Couriers, and there's Carriers"

Totally agree, twitter & forums are full of people slagging off "couriers" who have delivered their £15 amazon purchase and it hasnt arrived, when they really mean carriers or overnighters, even heard Yodel & parcel to go called couriers????



The words Yodel & Courier do net even belong on the same page.

I am all for some form of regulation just so lomg as we can then use the Taxi / Bus lanes

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

In the meantime cut this out and stick it on the side of yer van



"I am all for some form of regulation just so lomg as we can then use the Taxi / Bus lanes"

We already can......well some of them, will be all of them soon Boris will do owt for a vote!




HSP Couriers LTD


"Totally agree, twitter & forums are full of people slagging off "couriers" who have delivered their £15 amazon purchase and it hasnt arrived, when they really mean carriers or overnighters, even heard Yodel & parcel to go called couriers????"

Well said, facebook, twitter and forums all over tar couriers with the same brush, whether your a sameday courier service or an overnighter !

Mind you saying that, posting sameday courier work on here didnt help neither, a 400 mile trip to forfar not even a phone call ! Maybe will get one at 6pm this evening ! -

3D Courier Services


"Mind you saying that, posting sameday courier work on here didnt help neither, a 400 mile trip to forfar not even a phone call ! Maybe will get one at 6pm this evening !"

I'm not sure what's going on, we get vendors saying they are not getting bids and OD's saying there is no work. If you read my thread on Email Alerts you will see what I am experiencing.

HSP Couriers LTD


Exactly, doesnt give us much confidence in posting work, we could put on average 5 jobs (minimum) a day through here but dont purely for the fact that when we did post work we did not even get one phone call to cover it.

Imagine when some of our customers ring at 7am for anything upto 10 vans, all ours are out and subbies were out, if this was our only other method of covering work, would be completely screwed.

point2point uk couriers ltd


H it's prob due to sheer amount of traffic gridlocks around today took me 5hrs getting back from Croydon leaving there at 11am spent time crawling along m25 & then decided to come up the m1 hoping to knock on your door on the way for a return, got as far as milton Keynes services & stoped as m1 past you was mad, after stopping of for half hour & sitting on m1 got on to m6 1hour delay diverted along back routes also gridlocked had enough for one day especially bank holiday Friday nightmares.

HSP Couriers LTD


That's probably true manj, we all have to do things we don't want to at times, ie ; had a Corby to dartford come in this afternoon at 3-40pm. Last thing I wanted to do was to send a van out at that time, but customers needs come first and if we have to send one then That's what we do. Understand where your coming from though bud, if only this industry was as simple as that though. 

Another example was also had a Wrexham to Poland come in late this afternoon and a Northampton to Luxembourg as well, I'd love to see what work we got next week if I said, oh it's Friday bank holiday Monday weekend so we can't deliver your parts as requested.

Not a dig mate as I know from personal experience you are one who helps out where he can like you did last Saturday for us, appreciate that! Hence why invoice paid on the day we received it ! 

Good luck out there folks, it's tough. Keeping multiple customers satisfied and serviced is tougher ! 

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

Thats what the exchanges are for tho tho isn't it....You don't want to send a driver from Corby to Dartford, but there may well be a driver from Dartford going back past Corby empty who would love it....and thats the beaut of it all innit

HSP Couriers LTD


which is exactly what we did Rob, albert was actually in corby when we posted, picked up within 10 mins, everyones a winner.

3T Deliveries


as a single operator the exchanges are tough to use for back loads as if i'm on the road i can search them, catch 22.

thats why i use the auction sites as you can generally give the customer a delivery date meaning its easier to plan.

i wish i could move away completely from them but currently as a new start every job is one i cant really turn down.

i even joined CX hoping to make maybe some contacts, so far nothing, infact i got my work through just calling local firms introducing myself.

Manadon Despatch


The likes of Shiply seem to be a waste of time for me. Nearly all of my work is either drop what I'm doing and leg it out the door or it's overnight stuff. The first doesn't give me time to organise anything else and no-one is going to want me collecting from their house at 2,3,4 am in the morning.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

CX works, no matter what your thoughts are about them or exchange sites generally.

There is always going to be the odd rogue, and there are certainly a few out there that shouldn't be calling themselves Couriers as they clearly have no understanding wotsoever of what a Courier is, but you'll get that wherever you go, in whatever industry.
Its all about having the tools for the job...a mobile, a satnav, a decent van, insurance and membership to a decent exchange site..oh and a bit of common sense too

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