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PTC Sameday

Original Poster

Courier Forum Rules

By contributing to the mtvan courier forum, you accept the following simple rules:

  1. Posting of libellous or defamatory comments is strictly forbidden. We're sure you understand that anything that could bring the site into disrepute will be removed immediately.
  2. No excessive bad language - while we encourage the freedom of expression and don't want to pander to the types that would complain about anything given the chance, we don't welcome the kind of comments that may offend large numbers of people.
  3. No unnecessarily nasty, unhelpful comments or bullying. Lots of courier communities we know are spoilt by bullying from a small group of posters who spoil things for everyone else. We'd rather not have that here, thanks. Adult discussion only.
  4. No posting of 'empty' availability or courier work is permitted. Please use the appropriate areas of the site for this. 

    We will however accept the advertising of any regular jobs by vendors as the site currently has no specific means to deal with this situation.
  5. Do not post your contact information. This includes your email address or phone number. We provide your contact information to other members on your profile if they want it.
  6. Do not finish your posts with an unnecessarily large signature. Your name will do if anything is required at all. Relating to the above point; do not sign off with your contact details.
  7. Do not start new threads with meaningless titles (e.g. "FAO Steve"). Use a thread title that is relevant to what you want to talk about! Anything else is useless!
  8. We reserve the right to amend these rules without notice at any point! The aim of these rules is to promote a healthy, vibrant, friendly and helpful courier forum.

Breaching the above rules is likely to result in the removal of offending posts. Continually breaching our rules may result in being banned from our forum and/or mtvan as a whole. You have been warned!

I would like to complain about Rule 2 (think about it)

PTC Sameday

Original Poster

You can tell I have too much time on my hands, but I do like to jolly things along, especially in these straitened times for us lot!

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For more information on what you can discuss on our courier forum please see our courier forum guidelines.