G'day all, After getting more and more fed up with the amount of bull in my present job and being away from home for two months at a time I have decided to do something about it and go back on the road. I ran half a dozen vans awhile back when I lived in Scarborough but that was during 'the good ole days' and I know it will be a lot harder now, but if I don't try it I'll never know. If all else fails I could always go back to sea. Rgds Ray
Another newbie in Scotland
Posted in Welcome.Topic Closed
moray couriers

PW Courier Services

good luck with your new venture
Welcome Moray and you should be fine Pronto Despatch put about half a dozen jobs on here every day and your not to far from them by the look of things.
moray couriers

Must admit I have been keeping my beady on them and will keep an open mind. Hopefully go on leave during November so will then get the ball (or van ) rolling. I have all the insurances taken care off so it should be just a case of filling her up with fuel and wait for the call. Thanks.
AH HA First Mistake, You can't wait for the calls as they will never come. You need to make yourself known as much as you can to all your local businesses...................
Anyway.....Good Luck.
moray couriers

Not really, I am fully aware of what of what will be needed from me to get established but I have no desire to bore other readers with all the obvious information they all know in a post.
You're fed up with bull?.....and coming back to this industry?....lol...welcome back
moray couriers

I can put up with all the bull that's thrown at me from misinformed people but I have now to put up with even more useless bull from official government agencies. Do this .. fill in a form, don't do that .. fill in a form. Haven't filled in a form .. fill in another two. There now has to be a risk assessment done to change a light bulb .. that's two forms including a permit to work, signed on when the job starts and one when it finishes. No wonder I want out !!
one wonders why you quit when once running several vans?
Well how about this one....a mate of mine had to go on a refresher course to do with health and safety as he works on and off for the BBC behind the scenes. This course was "how to use a ladder" and due to health and safety issues they couldn't have ladders there to show em how to use em!!!!!
Tiz a mad world and it don't get any saner
BBC and health and safety...Pahhh....try 31 years in the nuclear industry then you know what form filling is about, i ended up having to risk assess every vehicle that we used.
AJM sameday Couriers

Health & safety, you dont need to bother with that nonsense!
moray couriers

one wonders why you quit when once running several vans?
My ex wife was a partner, I used to go back to sea for 6 weeks during the holiday season and our slack period to make sure I had enough sea time within a five year period to ensure continuation of my British masters certificate. During one of these times she went to the bank withdrew all the funds, parked the vans, shut the wharehouse done and done a runner. I then went on the juice for a month but then started up again but my heart was no longer in it so ended up giving away a van and a good regular job that paid extremely well to my longest working driver and I disappeared to take a ship running to west Africa and the Med. Good enough reason ? I think that this time I will be the only one with access to the bank !!
Thanks for the reply Moray, Good luck
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